Surviving Regret - Megan Smith Page 0,10

all in a huddle right after the two-minute warning. Cash is calling a play that will run down the clock so even if the Lake Oswego team gets the ball back they aren’t going to have time to score. The guys break the huddle and get into position. Cash hands the ball off doing exactly as I thought. They make a few more plays pushing the game down the field toward their end zone.

There are only seconds left on the clock and I know, I just know, that Cash is going to try to make one last epic pass to close out their season. He wouldn’t be him if he didn’t. They break the huddle and line up, the ball is snapped moments later. Cash steps back in the pocket while Landon sprints down the field. I’m impressed that the guys are playing so well in these cold, rainy conditions. Cash throws the ball deep and Landon, who is down by the twenty-yard line, reaches up high for the ball.

Madison and Alexa both grab onto my arms, and with no time left on the clock Landon hurdles mid-air over a bunch of players and rolls into the end zone.

They win. Forty-seven to thirty-four.

The crowd goes supersonic, so much so that I swear I’m not going to be able to hear for a week. Everyone is up on their feet dancing around hugging each other.

“They did it,” Alexa squeals in my ear as she wraps me in her arms.

“I know!”

In this moment no one cares that we’re soaking wet and that our limbs have turned slightly numb and our noses are red.

Canby High School clenched the state championship for the first time in twenty-two years. What a way to close out the season of their senior year. Another memorable milestone to add to our growing collection. We won’t have this again, not as high school seniors at least, so some celebrating is definitely in our immediate future.

After the game, the guys along with the rest of the team are whisked on to the bus so most of Canby can congratulate them when they arrive back home. As soon as I fight my way through the crowd I spot Landon. I take off for him jumping into his waiting arms.

“I’m so proud of you, baby.” I kiss his warm dry lips, his cheeks, and then his lips again.

Landon hugs me so hard it’s impossible to breathe but I don’t care. I’m so fucking proud of him and the whole team for how they played tonight.

Landon sets me down, “You ready to get out of here?”

I look into Landon’s eyes that are practically glowing. “Let’s go.” I’m so entranced that I don’t even care about the game anymore. The only thing and person I care about is Landon Hayes in this moment, nothing else even comes close to comparing.

On the way to the car Landon lights a joint. It’s not a secret that he smokes. He doesn’t do it all the time but he does it a lot. He says it keeps him calm and helps him focus. He has backed down a little since the start of the playoffs though. Landon cups my face with his hands wanting a kiss but he is forgetting that he has the joint in his hand it causes him to drop the joint on the wet pavement.

“Ah, damn it.” He sighs looking at the ground. “Hey, Madison, you got another?” Landon yells up to my sister who’s ahead of us.

She holds her hand up and I see Landon’s shoulders slump in relief. I wish he’d quit but deep down inside I think he’s telling me the truth when he says it calms him down. Landon has ADHD I believe, but the second you bring it up he freaks out. He tells me that he doesn’t and drops the subject. I let it go because I hate when we fight.

Inside Steven’s moms’ SUV, Madison and Cash sit in the third row. Landon and I are in the middle seat, Steven is driving and Alexa is in the passenger seat. We’re heading to Steven’s parents’ house in Cannon Beach. Landon is all over the place running on pure adrenaline and refuses to put on a seatbelt. He’s groping me and trying to get my shirt off. His is already off and his pants are unbuttoned. Somehow this doesn’t surprise me but I’m not having sex with him in this car, that’s for damn sure. I’m not Madison.

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