Surprising the Billionaire with a Baby - Elizabeth Lynx Page 0,49

air. Once these boobs shrank back to normal size, exercise would be a top priority.

My heart rattled in my chest as I heard footsteps move across the room. I covered my mouth with my hands to muffle the sound of my breathing.

I knew I was acting ridiculous, hiding from him under a desk, but he was crazy. What would he do next? Claim to be the president of the galaxy?

Right now, nothing about him would surprise me.

He sat in his office chair, and I knew it was Monty. I recognized his expensive leather shoes.

“I know you’re under my desk, Julia,” Monty said but didn’t bother to look.

“I’m just taking a breather.”


We sat there in silence. I lowered my hands as my breath was under control, and he knew I was here, so who cared if he heard me? Monty waited in his chair, his feet planted to the ground.

“What makes you think you’re Nathan’s father? You saw him once, and I’d think I’d remember having sex with you. I mean, before these past few weeks.”

“I did the math. We had sex in early December. At the Jingle Balls Ball.”

My eyes widened. How did he know that? Wait a second. I told him I had a one-night stand with Nathan’s father at the charity ball.

“Nice try, Sherlock. But I already told you about me hooking up with Nathan’s father at the Jingle Balls Ball. You’ll have to do better than that.”

“You never saw his face, did you?”

“Of course I did . . .”

My smirk faded as it hit me. I had no idea what he looked like. Over the past ten months, I kept telling myself I saw something. A nose or his eyes. But now that I was concentrating on that night, I realized I never saw a thing. Not even his cock.

“If you did, then what color hair did he have?”

I bit my lip. Screw it, it was time to mess with him the way he was messing with me.

“Blond. He was tall and skinny. Last I checked, Mr. Diaz, you have dark brown hair and are muscular, and not skinny at all.”

“What clothes was he wearing?”

“Surfer shorts and a Hawaiian shirt.” I cringed; that didn’t even sound believable to me.

“Wow. No wonder you jumped his bones. He sounds like a winner. Showing up to an expensive ball in shorts.”

“He wasn’t a guest; he was working it. He played Santa. He was changing into his costume, so there, Mr. Smartypants.” I stuck out my tongue, even if he couldn’t see me.

“You mean the non-denominational-festive-season person.”

“Right, I meant that—” I sucked in a breath. “Wait. How did you know that?”

“Because that was me. And I wasn’t in shorts. I was naked.”

My mind raced at what I had told my sister. Perhaps he found out through Rock what I had told Laura. Was Monty really Wonder Dick?

No. He wasn’t. I told Laura the guy was naked in that closet. I remember bragging about it.

And as for the non-denominational-festive-season person, that information could easily be looked up online.

“I like how you’re trying, but I won’t be fooled that easily. There isn’t a thing you’ve told me I haven’t already told you or my sister.”

“Really? You’ve told your sister you had sex with a naked guy in a closet at a holiday ball?”

“What do you think?”

He chuckled. “Of course. I don’t know why I’m surprised. You told her you called me Wonder Dick?”

“No. My sister doesn’t want to hear the details. Besides, I’ve already called you Wonder Dick back in my bedroom. Try again.”

A smile crept up my lips. This was fun. I may not want to work for him, but I enjoyed the guessing game.

“What about the reason you were there? That your sister got you the job because she worked the catering that night.”

Memories of the time in the closet with that man were creeping back into my head. I smiled at the thoughts. It was fun, and the guy was hung, but I’d know it if he was Monty. Wouldn’t I?

“You know Laura works as a chef. I’m sure you heard she worked that night at some point. On my résumé, I put that coat check job. These are all things you could find out without having been there.”

He groaned, frustrated I was calling his bluff.

“Why are you so determined to be in my life?”

“Because you’re a breath of fresh air. The night I met you at the Ball. Whether you believe me, I remember thinking you weren’t like any Copyright 2016 - 2024