Surprising the Billionaire with a Baby - Elizabeth Lynx Page 0,38

interview wasn’t a wise idea, I never could’ve imagined it would get me laid. While I was happy to be thoroughly fucked, the reason disturbed me.

“Hmm, I never really thought about it that way before.”

I cringed. No, no, no. Ugh, I find a hot-as-fuck guy with a huge, orgasm-inducing cock who’s wealthy, and he’s only into me because of my baby.

I pulled back, pulling the covers over me. “While this was nice, I will not sleep with you just because you get off on fucking women who pop out babies.”

My eyes slid down his body. Even with a non-erect dick, the guy was hung. I bit my bottom lip, “Um, I mean . . . at least not here.”

I flopped onto my back, throwing my arm over my eyes. What could I say? I was weak for the gargantuan cock. And that ass-play was so good. I would have tried it long ago if I knew it could be like that.

I heard Monty laugh, and when I lifted my arm, I saw he was on his elbow, hovering over me. “I don’t have a thing for MILFs, if that’s what you meant. But I have a thing for this MILF right here.”

“So, you aren’t just attracted to me because of Nathan?”

His smile faded. Before I could find out why asking about Nathan would bother him, I heard a noise downstairs.

“Crap, my sister’s back from her walk. I suggest you get dressed.”

Though I knew my vagina would hate me for it, I gave Monty a small push toward the edge of the bed. I thought it was little, but I guess that orgasm gave me super strength because he fell to the ground.

“Hey, wait.” His arms flailed as his perfectly sculpted ass hit the hard floor.

“Whoops.” I scooted to the edge and peered over. “Sorry. It’s just that—”

The door swung open and hit the wall with a thwack. Jami stood there, panting.

“Do I need to call 9-1-1?” she asked.

I waved my hand at her. “No, he just slipped out of bed. He’s not hurt.”

Monty tried his best to cover his dick with his hands. I say tried, because as big a package as he carried, there was some slippage.

I felt a tug of the bedspread and realized he was pulling on it to cover himself.

My sister moved farther into the room and stood at his feet, staring down at him.

“Are you hurt?” she asked because the woman never believed me.

“Yup, fine. Just trying to not be naked right now.”

“But you are naked. The only way to not be naked would require clothing, which you are obviously not wearing.”

His lips thinned as he tried to look anywhere but at her. My sister, on the other hand, had no problem staring at my ex-boss.

“That is true,” I added.

She turned her head to me as if realizing I was still in the room.

“You’re naked too.”

“Correct. Hey, Jami?”


“Could you give us some privacy so we can get dressed? Then I’ll come downstairs to take over for Nathan.”

She shrugged. “Okay. But he’s getting hungry.” Jami turned and slammed the door behind her.

“Holy moly, that was, uh . . . uncomfortable.” Monty let go of the blanket and stood.

“I wanted to warn you, but she’s quick. The woman never knocks.”

Everyone in our family, especially my parents when they wanted private time together, had explained to her that people need to knock before entering someone’s private place. She understood this, and I had even seen her knock a few times, but most of the time, she just barged in.

I learned to deal with it by locking my door. But with my pussy in dire need of resuscitation, I forgot.

Monty found his clothes and mine. Tossing mine onto the bed, he got to work getting dressed. It was almost as much fun watching him put back on his clothes as when he took them off.

“You’re watching me again.”

“I can’t help it. I like the way you move.” I pointed to his fly. “And it feels like you let me in on a secret today.”

His eyes widened. “What secret?”

What was that about? Did Mr. Diaz have a secret he wasn’t telling me? I bet billionaires had all kinds of secrets. I wondered if one day his office would be raided by the government.

Was Monty a nerd in disguise? Underneath his button-up, geek exterior lay the heart of a bad boy.

A shiver ran up my back.

“Your cock. You know how big it is. How it can leap tall buildings and cause Copyright 2016 - 2024