Surprising the Billionaire with a Baby - Elizabeth Lynx Page 0,26

felt less than friendly.

“There are toilet stalls and two sinks. I’ve had to pump in there this week, but if someone comes in to do their business and then flushes . . . Well, that stuff gets in the air, and I’m in the stall right next to it. I can’t risk getting my baby sick.”

I frowned. She was right. Now I was angry. The mother of my child needed a safe and sanitary place to pump.

“Don’t you worry about a thing, Ms. Nutters—”

“I told you, you can call me Julia,” she pointed out.

Yes, but the problem was, whenever I said your name, I thought back to when you told me it while I fucked you in a dark closet.

“Yes, I understand. But it’s really more professional if I call you Ms. Nutters.” I stood and walked around the desk.

“Fine.” Her round, emerald eyes stared up at me. “Wouldn’t it be refreshing if we called each other by our first names? Modern. You can call me Julia, and I can call you Monty. Or would you prefer Montgomery? A little more formal.”

I swallowed. Hearing my name on her lips stirred my cock. I clasped my hands in front to hide the growing bulge.

“I really think addressing each other formally would be appropriate, Ms. Nutters.”

“Yeah, that’s what I was afraid of,” she mumbled to herself, but I heard it.

“Do you not like being called ‘Ms.’?”

“I don’t like my last name. I’m not an old-fashioned woman by any means.”

I agreed with her on that.

“But my last name isn’t something our family is proud of. It’s not just the jokes. Hey, there go the Nutters; I hear they’re crazy. Ha ha.”

I tried not to chuckle because it was a little funny.

“My great-grandfather, Archie Nutters, had two families at the same time. One with my great-grandmother, Betsie, and one with a woman in Richmond.”

“That’s terrible, but it was also a long time ago.”

“You’re not from a small town, are you, Mr. Diaz?”

“No. I’m from a suburb outside of D.C.”

She nodded, the corner of her lip twisting up. “People in small towns never forget. And somehow, our family has been looked down upon ever since. My sister and I can go about our business in town, but there is always gossip about our family. Like somehow, we’re cursed. I was the girl who boys could date but never would consider marriage material. Sometimes I think it’s why my sister left and got a job in D.C. A fresh start. I didn’t blame her.”

“Right, she worked for Lee Wiseley.”

She smiled and had a distant look on her face. “Can I let you in on a secret, and you promise not to tell anyone?” She leaned forward and lowered her voice as if we weren’t alone.

“Whatever you tell me, Ms. Nutters, will be held in the strictest confidence.”

She took a deep breath before she said, “My sister helped me get a job in D.C. this past December.”

My smile faltered as she spoke.

“It was as a coat check girl at a fancy holiday ball. Anyway, I told no one, not even Laura, but that’s where I met Nathan’s father.”

I had a million things to say, but my mouth refused to open. All I could do was nod.

“We had a one-night stand. I know that’s not appropriate to say at work, but I thought you should know that his father isn’t in the picture.”

“Mmm.” The only sound I could make.

Tell her you were that guy.

“So, I really am sorry I said nothing earlier about using your bathroom to pump. I’m new to all this, as I’m sure you gathered from my résumé I don’t have a lot of experience with office jobs. I’m used to working in places where if you complain about anything, you will get fired. I was always replaceable.”

“Is that why you didn’t work at those places very long?”

I wanted to slap myself for chickening out about admitting I was the father.

“You nailed it.”

I blinked. She did not understand how right she was about the nailed part.

“Now with having to look out for Nathan, I want to make sure I screw nothing up. It was fine when I wasn’t a mom. I could quit a job I didn’t like, but I can’t do that now.” Her eyes widened. “I didn’t mean that I don’t enjoy working here or with you, I just meant—”

I chuckled. “It’s all right. I understood what you meant. You need job security. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you and Nathan are taken Copyright 2016 - 2024