Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,96

this time, I'd be able to protect myself. No more cowering in the darkness.

Now you see your worth?

My eyes snapped open. My body was still drifting deeper into the water, and my surroundings were pitch black.

A single flame lit up below me. It morphed from a rising flame to a circular object. The closer I got to its level, the stronger the glowing light burned. It wasn't until I was parallel to it that the circle came to a close, leaving me in the dark once more. My body stopped moving, leaving me right in that spot.

The circle returned, but as I stared at it, the details of a dragon eye came into view. It was as big as my head, and my eyes widened when its entire body began to appear, scale after scale of orange and turquoise with hints of gold sparkling to life.

She is mine. The reflection of power I was so frightened to accept.

She was beyond beautiful, her thick, glossy scales bringing me joy. Words couldn't describe her mesmerizing appearance and the dominance she portrayed.

She was the epitome of a badass, and I felt ashamed for discarding her for long.

Your fear was what held you back from discovering me. You assumed confidence only meant in physical appearance and your ability to love the body harboring your soul. In the ways of a human, that is correct and a goal for which to strive, but as a supernatural, there is more.

I began to regain the feeling in my arms, my fingers tingling with electric shocks. I lifted my arm and allowed my hand to hover just above eye. How petite my hand was in comparison, and yet this dragon was a part of me.

Why fear when something as powerful as this lies within me?

To lose the vulnerability within your human side is the sacrifice you must make to claim your destined supernatural side. Without such sacrifice, I was left imprisoned within you.

Imprisoned. You...were trapped in here.

That hurt to think about. To accept that this dragon was locked within me.

If you want to think of it in that way, indeed I was. If a host does not want our power, there is nothing we can do but remained locked within until the day they die.

Does the same happen to my magic? Is it trapped as well?

Somewhat. Your magic is unique. You'll face that when the time comes, but it cannot be given to another master until you've passed.

What now? I have died, right? There's no going back. I failed.

Not quite. The hint of magic that knows your true desire is keeping you alive. It is up to you to determine if you'd like to live or fall into a deep slumber. The choice is yours.

The choice is mine. Yes.

It all made sense now. The way some supernaturals had a sense of seriousness and pride in who they were. Tristan, Dominick, Otis, and Adonis. They'd all had to go through an awakening. It may not have been like this, with death at every corner, but I saw their slow transformation and maturity.

This was my time. My moment to claim my destiny.

This is my transformation.

Indeed, Princess of Cyldrirth. Transform, and together with the magic invested in us, we shall exact our revenge on all those who want us in eternal captivity. Let your supernatural blessing be free.

That's exactly what I was ready to do.

Be free.

Freedom And Supernatural Outlaw

Princess Cassandra.

The soft poke to my cheek woke me from slumber. My entire body was in pain, throbbing agony tugging at every nerve ending, but the pain brought enlightenment.

It was confirmation that I was alive.

I'm alive. I survived?!

My heavy eyelids were hard to open, but I forced them to rise. The darkness around me was lit by small balls of light. It reminded me of fireflies, but I couldn't hear their buzzing. As I blinked, I realized what they truly were.

Balls of life energy.

A tiny voice had called to me. It reminded of a sweet child, one of perfection and grace. I looked at my left hand that laid against the soft grass and soil.

Staring at the grass began to trigger my memories. The prison, the incident in the mines where I stopped time, the race through Level Four, and my encounter with Celeste.

My potential has awakened. I am no longer human.

Testing out my fingers, I wiggled each one. It was a mesmerizing experience, not due to the sensation of movement that fluttered up my hand and arm, but because of the glowing Copyright 2016 - 2024