Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,91

into the dark abyss.

I couldn't see, my other senses heightening in an attempt to aid me on this blind path to freedom. The shrieking cry reminded me of a bird. It was clearly foreign to me, and the amount of fear it instilled in me was enough motivation to keep me moving forward.

I followed my instincts, my body dodging things that I didn't notice until it was too late. At the speed I was going, I wasn't sure what possessed me to move so quickly. I was never this fast, but did it matter when my life was at risk?

My heart raced, my body burned. The part of my arm that always glowed during my worst-case scenarios was as bright as ever, illuminating a tiny bit of the dark place that reminded me of a cave.

It wasn't till I turned right and raced forward that my body urged me to stop. I skidded, trying to slow down, but I was running off of the path before I knew it.

The scream that left me echoed, my body plunging fast in between the depths of two walls. I closed my eyes tightly, bracing myself for impact and death, but something hooked under my shoulders, lifting me up and soaring us sideways to a new path.

"No, no, no! I don't want to be someone's dinner. Please let go!"

"If I did that, you'd be dead, Sista."


I tried to see what held me, but the darkness was far too thick. The glowing mark on my arm had shut right off. The pounding of my heart and ears was making me dizzy.

Closing my eyes, I quietly prayed this wouldn't be my end, that this creature would have some sort of sympathy for me.

We began to dip down, and before I knew it, I was being dropped onto a grassy patch. "Oof!"

I could have stayed on my ass that was already throbbing from Omarion's push, but I was up and looking for the one who caught me.

"Who are you?"

"Is that the question you should be asking?" The voice was now soft and delicate, almost like a child's.

"No," I whispered. "You're one the prisoners down here."

"Obvious, but I'll give you a point for trying. A bonus for reaching my area of this place."

Striking eyes of purple pierced through the darkness, keeping me frozen in place.

"Are you one of those fools who thinks they can get through Level Four alive? If so, spare me the explanation. I'll make your death less tedious."

"No," I denied and quickly explained. "There's a woman who is the very reason I'm trapped in this place. I was kidnapped and have been on Level One ever since. She somehow found out I wasn't dead, and the guard who’s supposed to keep me safe pushed me out of the elevator here and left. I was supposed to stay alive and find the other half of me. I guess before Ms. Widow finds me."

"Did you say Ms. Widow?" The mention of Ms. Widow piqued her interest.

"Yes! She's a one-hundred-year-old—"

"Snake shifter who has a vendetta against anyone hybrid or one-of-a-kind." She finished my sentence with something completely different than my excuse.

"Hybrid or one-of-a-kind," I repeated. "I'm not either."

"Ah." She sounded pleased with my answer. "Dear Sista. You are neither?"

The sweet laugh that followed made me tremble in submission as the woman with piercing purple eyes emerged from the shadows, her pitch-black wings igniting into flames as the lavender shade morphed crimson.

Her beauty was unheard of, her hair blazing like her wings as her red lips smiled darkly at me. I was her new prey, the one she'd devour after she got every scream of agony from my vocal cords.

My body shook, and I scurried back in fear, watching as her naked body that was covered in various scars, wounds, and bruises was wrapped in flames and then extinguished just as fast.

An elegant, strapless black dress cloaked her slim frame, one of rich silk and delicate lace. Her new set of heels clicked against the black stone she stood upon, and her wings outstretched to their fullest length, half of them still as black as the world around us while the others raged on in orange and red flames.

I, on the other hand, crawled back, the grass ending just like the stone beneath. I scurried forward, my heartbeat peaking at the close call. Over my shoulder, I saw the walls of the cliff far away, and the distance between the two only made my heart drop.

I'm trapped.

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