Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,63

lip, wondering if it was safe to even say it down here.

Tristana lifted her hand up in a stop signal.

"If you know who it is, don't say it here. We may have this part secured to a certain extent, but if it's someone who's close to us, they could have initiated a spell here without your knowledge."


"Say, for example, Otis hates my guts," Dominick suggested.

"I hate you," Otis said with such seriousness, we all turned to stare at him.

Adonis snickered. "It's amusing how true that sounded when it's the complete opposite of how you feel."

"I almost believed that for a second," Dominick noted.

"Must be nice to be a twin." Tristana shook her head.

"Anyways." Otis rolled his eyes. "Say I actually hate you."

"Yes," Dominick carried on. "And he ends up wanting me dead. If he had access to my room, he could lay a spell. If I end up finding out he wants me dead and I say it without magically protecting myself, it could trigger the spell that would kill me instantly."

My wide-eyed expression made Tristana quickly follow up with, "That's the extreme case and is extremely expensive. Not just anyone can place that kind spell. It has to be one of two types of individuals. Either a god with black magic or a Nephilim."

"Nephilim," I mumbled, remembering Doc's conversation about doing tests on one. "There's one on Level Four, I think."

They hit me with another wave of silence and blank stares.

"So...that means the likelihood of that death spell being in this room is pretty high, huh?"

"Yes," Adonis and Otis replied.

"A god wouldn't do a spell for mere money," Dominick elaborated. "It's like with fae. Some of us want items or even special flowers and plants that are extremely hard to find or grow. Whoever this person is probably doesn't have connections to a god, or they would send that god here to finish you up."

"Which means it could have been the Nephilim, but they are extremely rare, which tells me they aren't here of their own accord. If they are, then they're not following anyone's rules but their own. From what I've researched, the lower the level, the deadlier they can be, but it can also mean they’re a danger to the outside world. If this case refers to the latter, I feel as though Dubai would have been the better choice."

"That means I can't tell you," I sighed, and walked to the bed, sitting down like I'd lost all my energy.

Dominick and Tristana moved to sit next to me. Adonis and Otis exchanged a look and moved closer to us.

"I think we might suspect who it is."

"Even so, I can't prove it yet. I might have mentioned it to Omarion?"

"Where were you when you mentioned it?" Dominick asked.

"Doc's office. My impression is that it's pretty secure. All the times I've been in there, Omarion's been able to turn the surveillance off."

"Omarion seems to find a way out of everything," Tristana noted. "However." Her voice went so low that I struggled to hear her, even though she was right next to me. "He's a double agent and has to play both sides. He's defiantly loyal to the Secret Ops, but let's be real. Can we trust that they're on our side?"

The four of us didn't need to say a word. We all shook our heads at his question.

"Exactly." Tristana looked at her wrist, the gold bracelet catching my attention once more. I glanced over to the others' wrists, noticing they wore similar bracelets, just in a variety of metallic colors.

"I'll be honest, I don't necessarily trust the Secret Ops yet. It's a shiny position on the outside, and even grazing the surface makes it a respectable job to have as a supernatural, but I find it a little hard to believe that they're just finding out what is going on now. Psychic Prison isn't new. Neither is the one in Dubai. These are underground prisons that could very well be decades old, which only enhances my speculations that this whole Supernatural Captivity Movement isn't something new."

"That's what they're calling it?" I was actually amused by it.

"You'd be surprised. News outlets are portraying all different scenarios. Some are saying it's a myth, others are saying these kidnappings are to try and make war against the humans. Talking about humans, some are rejoicing. They're still bitter about their financial loss, as if we're the ones who voted for the governmental officials and president to run them straight into financial crisis."

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