Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,6

and your partner will love you! It sets the perfect mood. Adam and I haven't fought in MONTHS! We used to fight every day."

"That's sensational."

"Damn right."

"What's he doing here? He has a girlfriend?"

"Nah. He's probably with his sister."

"He doesn't have a sister."

"Yeah, the girl that's always around him and the other three epic supernaturals. Adonis, his twin brother Otis, Tristan Cardinal, and Dominick Goldenmoon. They're like the Supernatural Bros of NYC. Aside from the twins, they're from different backgrounds and obviously different supernatural traits, but together, it's like looking at a piece of art. They're all powerful, talented, and filthy rich!"

"So the girl is just their sister? not biologically, but hangs with them?"

"Think of it like a girl who's their friend type deal."

"They're not dating or friends with benefits?"

"Nope. They're a crew and she's the sole female in a group of testosterone-flowing gods."

"Lucky. I'd die if I was within touching distance of Adonis. My heart is already palpitating like crazy. Imagine being around all four of them?"

"Hashtag dead."

They continued to gossip while I waited in front of the change room door, my fingers lingering on the lock I'd turned but held to keep the door closed.

That was the one problem with being in a group of guys. The question of the century was whether or not you'd fall in love with one of them and screw up the dynamic entirely…or maybe fall in love with all of them.

My feelings had always been neutral when it came to romance with my bros. I'd had my share of dating both human and supernatural individuals, and it usually ended with their asses getting kicked by my bros for breaking my heart and me eating a tub of ice cream.

Okay, five tubs of ice cream but who keeps count of those things. Tristan does, but he only tracks it to make fun of me.

The guys had also had their flings, but supernaturals got bored easily, and when you truly were blessed with it all, you wanted more from a relationship than a partner to travel around the world with.

I wanted a guy with character. One who could hold a conversation and was willing to learn new things. If he was attractive, that was a bonus, but generally speaking, it wasn't a deal-breaker for me.

I guess being around supernaturals all the time lifted my standards just a bit in terms of dating humans, but really, I just wanted to find a guy who wanted more than a quick fling in the sheets.

He would have to be approved by the bros to stand a chance after all my failed matches, but maybe that would mean I'd have a chance of lasting at least six months with him.

My real dating life aside, the gossip channels loved to debate whether I'd date all my bros or be the one to ruin their group dynamic.

The pressure from it all was the reason I tried to not think of them as romantic interests, but once I reached eighteen, things got a little harder.

My hormones kicked in.

I thought sixteen was a pain when I finally got my period, but nope. Eighteen was when your body stopped listening to you and made you practically psycho in the process.

Do I like-like Adonis, Otis, Tristan, and Dominick?

I still didn't know, and it was another thing to push to the corner of my mind until I needed to face it.

The door opened, snapping me out of my thoughts as my body jerked forward and right into a wall of clothed muscle.

"Adonis," I groaned against his chest, recognizing him by the scent of his latest Louis Vuitton cologne.

Incubi and succubi loved to smell good. If they had a hint of stench on them, there would be hell to pay if they couldn't bathe or at least drench themselves in fragrance.

"Stop listening to stupid stuff and let me see you."

"Who said I was eavesdropping?"

"You should apply to be a reporter," Adonis suggested. "You'd get all the goodies for big companies to gossip about. Now turn around so I can see if these panties make your ass look great."

I giggled and shook my head. "Weird incubus."

"That you adore," he added and helped spin me around like we were on a dance floor. Letting go of my hand, I saw in the reflection of the mirror that Adonis took a step back and crossed his arms over his chest in observation.

"Good. Like this one and the first set."

"I never let you see the other two," I noted.

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