Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,48

wish I'd had signs," I admitted. "I ran into a random Uber. Who would have guessed it was all a plot to kidnap me?" I grumbled.

"Damn. All planned, huh?" She took another piece of her jerky, chewing it and giving me the opportunity to have a few more sips of my soup.

"I like you. Ivy's the name."

"Ivy, and your wolf is Vix?" I confirmed.

"Yup. Therefore, Ivy Vixen is my full name. I came here around the same time as you, or maybe a little earlier. I saw you leaving that tiny lab room Doc only lets special ones rest in. Figured you'd be peculiar, but everyone kept saying you were human. That was until you did that." She used the hand that was resting on the table to point a finger in the direction of the construction.

I nervously smiled and tried not to cringe.

"Yeah. That wasn't intentional. Not like anyone would believe me."

"Nah." She shook her head. "I believe you, but I can see why you did it. That woman was apparently a pain in everyone's ass."

"Is that why everyone's being all silent and, well, afraid?"

"Hell nah." Ivy shifted, changing her position so she was cross-legged on the bench and looking down my way. "They think you're a Monarch. Don't worry, they did the same thing to me."


"Alisha deemed you worthy." Ivy's prideful smirk had me intrigued as I tilted my head.

"Me, worthy. My memories are kind of struggling to come back."

"Ah. That's fine. She told me herself. If she feels like making an appearance any time, she'll..." Ivy trailed off, sniffing the air once, then twice. "Scratch that, though. She'll be here in ten seconds."

"Huh?" I wasn't following, but the whispers and gasps I heard from the far left of me had me gazing to the entrance of the cafeteria, where Alisha Butterfly stood in black shorts and a black tank top.

Her eyes scanned the room, landing specifically on our table.

Her resting-bitch-face expression remained as she took her time walking over to us. Her steps were loud and clear from the black heels she wore, which really didn't match her attire, but I’m sure no one would dare mention it – did anyone really care?

At least she could wear normal clothes, unlike the rest of us in our orange vests and jumpsuits.

She reached the bench opposite us and gracefully sat down in the middle. Flicking her hair before crossing her left leg to rest on her right, it only took five seconds for a prisoner to come racing over with a tray of food.

It wasn't ordinary food like ours. The plate was silver, something I'd missed the last time I'd laid eyes on her while she was eating. The prisoner picked up the cover, revealing well-done steak, mashed potatoes with bacon, chopped green onion, cheese, and some type of thick gravy that reminded me of chicken. There was an array of sautéed vegetables including mushrooms, and there was even a bowl of green tea ice cream.

I thought I was the only one fighting the urge to drool, but I side-glanced to Ivy: her mouth was hanging open and her eyes were staring at the steak with palpable hunger.

Alisha picked up the prepared knife and fork that were wrapped in a silk napkin, unraveling the bundle to place the napkin on her lap while inspecting her silver utensils.

"Good. Not the pure silver ones. You actually listen to my requests. Good."

The prisoner beamed at her praise, bowing her head over and over again. "Delightful, your majesty. Is there anything else I need to bring you?"

"Hmm," Alisha looked deep in thought. "I'm hungrier than I thought. Bring two more plates. Same dish and dessert selection. Make sure the utensils aren't real silver. Or I'll be extremely angry."

"Yes, your majesty!" The prisoner stood up straight like a soldier and scurried away to the back of the kitchen entrance.

We looked back at Alisha, her purple-magenta eyes taking in the two of us.


"Good evening, Alisha." Ivy beamed. "I thought you wouldn't come down for a good month?"

Ivy must have been close to Alisha in some way, since the royal vibe of 'don't touch me' was less intense.

"Boys are preparing something for me. Encouraged me to eat," she coldly replied.

"Why does that sound kinky?" Ivy mumbled. "That was Vix, by the way."

"I know," Alisha replied and looked over to me. "Cat caught your tongue?"

"N-no." I blushed and tried not to feel so submissive with her intense gaze.

"She's not used to your commanding aura, Alisha," Ivy pointed Copyright 2016 - 2024