Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,44


"As is yours." He sounded like he was grinning. "My research is all I care for. No one would dare get rid of me with the knowledge I've compiled in my brain. Plus, I'm the reason the special ones remain alive and not dashed into a pulp."

"She would be back with her men by now if that witch didn't see the need to hush her up."

"The snake witch may know whatever power is locked up in this girl. Funny how she's in supernatural captivity, but the true prison is inside her. If whatever is caged obtains freedom, I think you'll all be trembling."

Omarion was quiet for a minute.

"You truly believe she's that powerful?"

"If it was my choice at first glance? She'd be on Level Three with Alisha. This one caught Alisha's eye according to what the guard witnesses rambled about in fear. Alisha's name alone gives prisoners nightmares and she just saved this woman's life. Imagine the walking immunity she now has, all because of an act of kindness."

"Anyone with supernatural powers could have reacted," Omarion muttered.

"Yet a room full of supernatural prisoners stood against the wall of the massive underground cafeteria, while the 'human' rose to the challenge with a second left to spare. Per the eyewitnesses, her body became a blur like a vampire and she was up and guarding Alisha like Wonder Woman herself. Flashing lights and a powerful blast killed the gorilla. The poor woman didn't have a chance, but it was about time she got what was coming to her. I've never seen anyone getting pissed off over someone breathing near them. Paranoia? I think not."

"She died?"

"Dead by the time they dug out her colossal body from the bricks of the wall. Waste of time. They should have kept her body embedded in the wall as a reminder not to chew more than you can swallow."

"You have a point."

Silence followed, until Omarion spoke again. "Did you not have some matters to attend to with that celestial?"

"I did," the doctor answered. "However, she's enjoying causing chaos with that daredevil of a god. The Omega wolf and king of them all tagged along."

"You mean the fourth floor is empty?"

"That's a question you can only answer by going down there yourself," he said in delight. "But from what a little birdy told me, the last to go down there with the impression the deadly trio were off on a world domination trip was kept captive and put out on display for fun. He's now my skeletal anatomy model."

"That's disgusting."

"Useful," the man corrected. "Why waste perfect bones? They did all the skinning and cleaning for me. All I had to do was add a polishing liquid to make it glossy and voila. Perfectly new skeletal body for my pre-op preparations."

"You don't do any type of pre-op," Omarion said dryly.

"Maybe, but it's a nice excuse when I want to add a little foreplay to my surgeries. Makes it real."

"Don't ever dissect me. Or her, for that matter."

"I'll try to fight the urge to grow my supernatural research. You're not bad to talk to when you're off duty."

"I'm only taking that as a compliment because I was forced to be here."

"Forced? Or interested in ensuring the woman's safety? My senses tell me it’s the latter."

"Shut it," Omarion growled.

"My lips are now shut," he declared, but that lasted three seconds. "Well, I have enough data. Whether my report will be worthy of the snake witch is up to her, but I have other things to attend to. Apparently, an Alpha wolf lost control on Level Two and went on a killing spree. One of my favorites. Today has been filled with surprises."

"You're only going to make sure she's on your medical table and not someone else."

"Exactly." He sighed dramatically. "If only they all just became friends, it would be easier to have them in one room."

"That will be impossible if you don't start picking a side," Omarion grumbled.

The laughter echoed the room as a clapping sound followed.

"The day I pick a side, I'll probably be dead. Unless I'm offered something I can't refuse. In my five hundred years, that has yet to happen. Too bad."

"How..." Omarion trailed off.

"I'll tell you a secret," the man whispered. "Mutant cats are extremely hard to kill. Especially when they can alter their own DNA."

"Scary." Omarion sighed. "See you soon, Doc. Thanks for at least healing her."

"Can't conduct my research if the patient has broken ribs. I also would like to live another day in those men's Copyright 2016 - 2024