Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,35

I gasped in horror, begging the food gods to somehow save the bowl of whatever deliciousness was inside.

"Don't sacrifice food! There are people out there who are starving and you're blackmailing me!"

When he tipped it further, I caved in.

"He slapped my ass and said if I didn't behave, he'd fuck me in the corner for entertainment."

That was clearly an unexpected answer because Omarion looked taken aback. I didn't care if he thought I was joking or not, but it was the truth and that guard had it coming. His greedy gaze that had centered on my breasts, hips, and butt hadn't annoyed me as much as the way he licked his lips as if he was desperate for water.

Omarion tipped the tray back upright, and I put my hand on my chest and let out a sigh of gratitude.

Thank the food gods for truthfulness.

"Which guard?" Omarion's deep voice almost made me jump. I hadn't forgotten he was there, but the low rumble of his voice was more like something you'd hear in your nightmares than in a regular conversation.

"The one with long brown hair that's all frizzy and smells like century-old Axe spray. He licks his lips like he's never drunk water before, and he's on tomorrow's morning shift." How did I know the final part? Well, Mr. Frizzy-Licks-Alot had decided to enlighten me by sharing his schedule. He was going to be my worst nightmare.

How I always ended up in situations like this was beyond me, but my supernatural bros weren't here to whisk me out of this. If it got to a point where I was stuck in a vulnerable situation like that, I wasn't sure what would happen.

I was thankful for the birth control implant that I'd had placed in my arm when I decided to be sexually active. Best investment seeing as you can't take timely birth control in prison.

If I could survive without being sexually abused by random guards, I'd count my blessings, but I was bracing myself for all things ugly in a place where assault was swept under the rug when you were the new supernatural prisoner on the block.

"You won't see him tomorrow."

"And what makes you so confident about that?" I retorted. "He's apparently worked here for eons. There's nothing you can say or do that will suddenly change his mind about sexually abusing the prisoners when whoever runs this place isn't looking. Not like anyone cares, seeing as innocent people like me are getting kidnapped and thrown into this place." I was rambling at this point, desperate to vent my anger at this whole situation.

"Trust me," he muttered and reached for the keys hanging from the belt of his black jeans.

"Hurry up and eat. I'm giving the other guard his fifteen-minute break."

"Cool." I got up from my crossed-leg position on my bed and hurried to grab the tray of warm food. "Wanna explain what this place is all about? I already know my cell is at the very end of this hall and each cell sector is guarded with magic walls that suppress sound, just in case we get beat shitless for stupid stuff."

"Who are you getting this information from?" He arched an eyebrow at me as I sat down and said a prayer of grace.

"The guards. I ask a lot of questions."

"And they actually answer you." He pinched his nose and sighed dramatically. "What can I even say? You're a nuisance."

"Good quality to have to gain information and potentially live another day." I tried to turn it into a positive.

"Whatever." He brushed it off. "Yes, about the sound-proof, guarded sectors. Good for conversations like these. Bad when you're getting beat or worse."

"Worse?" I emphasized, fearing what he was suggesting. ""

"Rape," he bluntly responded.

"Yeah...that." I'd never heard someone say it so casually, which annoyed me just a bit due to his lack of sensitivity. "Happen here often?"

"I wouldn't know." Another careless shrug had me frowning in disapproval. He noticed my change in mood and sighed. "You're so sensitive."

"It's not a topic to casually shrug about," I grumbled.

"I know." He stared back at me with seriousness. "But this is a dungeon, Cassandra."

"So what? Just because we're in handcuffs means we deserved to be treated like sex dolls? Don't think you'd want a cock up your ass against your will, huh?"

He didn't reply, and I was so glad he didn’t, or he would have gotten an earful from me. I may have been sheltered by four amazing men and a protective father figure, Copyright 2016 - 2024