Supernatural Inmate (Supernatural Captivity #1) - Avery Song Page 0,33

wanted to find a button to press that would piss him off like he was doing to me.

"Don't need one. I'm gay." He winked when shock flooded my face.

"Don't hit on my man." The venom in my voice had him laughing.

Actually laughing!

"Tristan can be all yours, just like the other three men you're clearly in love with but can't make a damn move on. Not like I can say much for them. They sure have patience. I really didn't believe the tabloids when they said you five were hooking up, but now that I've met you face to face, I feel bad for them. Or you. Not sure who's going to crack first."

He shook his head and turned around. "Maybe some time confined in these walls will make you realize what you want. Or they'll realize they're miserable without you around. Who knows."

"One minute you're praising me in an odd way and the next you're insulting me," I complained. "Wait, where are you going again?"

"To do my job, which reminds me." He turned back around and before I caught onto what he was doing, he was handcuffing me again.

"Dammit. Why am I back in these?"

"Can't play your role without them." He smirked at my scowl. "I'm sure your brothers like to see you angry. Makes you extra cute in the cheeks."

"I don't want your compliments!"

"You will after a week of this place." He rose up and stretched. "Welcome to Psychic Prison for Supernaturals."

"Psychic Prison? I'm not psychic," I stressed. "Nor am I a supernatural."

Seeing as I'd yet to determine that fine detail, I might as well roll with the human life I'd lived with, whole life.

"The name is because it used to be a prison for criminals with psychic abilities, but as the crime rates rose in the supernatural department, it became a place for supernaturals. The security is already top-notch since those with psychic abilities have the tendency to fuck with people's minds. Therefore, what better place to lock up supernaturals than in an underground prison that is completely blocked with magic? It's the perfect hellhole for us supernaturals."

"You act as though you're the creator of this place."

"I found it a little fascinating when I first had to research this place for work," he casually defended. "As for the supernatural part, I'm glad you’re not. I'm sure Doc will find some faults in the lab results and leave you alone."

"If that's so, why did I survive the venom shit?" I questioned. He couldn't answer me immediately and shrugged instead. "Who knows. Maybe you have a bit of immunity from being around those four powerful hunks."

"Mine," I bitterly reminded.

"Yes, yes, Princess of the Supernatural Bros. Forgive me for acknowledging hotness when I see it." He purposely talked like he was one of those gay best friends they loved to have in soap operas and movies, using his hands for extra emphasis.

"No one would ever expect that you're gay."

"You shouldn't judge a book by its cover, Miss Sarcastic. Don't see me judging you."

"You've done so multiple times in this short conversation!"

"Really?" He grinned. "My bad."

"You have no remorse."

"Nope." He turned around once more but looked over his shoulder.

The air shifted as he grew serious, leaving me shivering.

"We're going to do our best to get you out of here safely, Cassandra Thorn, but let me be blunt. There's more than a couple of evil crooks that want you locked behind bars and away from your so-called bros. As to why, I'm still unsure, but my goal is to find out. It's a shame that you're going to have to be patient with all of this, but my best advice is to blend in and let us professionals do our job. If everything goes well, you may only stay here for a month."

A fucking month?!

He looked away and sighed. "The cameras and sound system will be back to normal in about five minutes. I'll come back in and carry you out to the designated cell. All you need to do is chill, follow orders, and don't cause any issues. Oh…" he trailed off and turned around again to give me his full attention.

His eyes centered on mine, and it felt like my whole body was burning up under his dangerous gaze.

"If you must eat in the underground cafeteria, mingle with Level Ones only. No Twos or Threes. I can only protect you to a certain extent, but no way does my job include keeping you alive."

I gulped at his warning and slowly Copyright 2016 - 2024