Sunset Seduction - By Charlene Sands Page 0,56

hungry.” The caress in his eyes was still there. “Would you have lunch with me? I know this little place just off the road that I think you’d like.”

She didn’t have to think twice. Her appetite for food and for Luke had returned. “Would love to.”

Content, he made a right turn onto a single-lane highway and parked in front of the Chipmunk Café.

She reread the sign above the cabin-esque building and gave a slight shake of the head.

“What is this place?”

“You’ll see.”

He helped her out of the car and held her hand as they strode into the wood cabin diner. Audrey took a look around and her mouth dropped open. Her gaze roamed over tables and bench seats made of molded plastic that resembled split-wood logs. The walls were decorated with oversize walnuts, woodsy foliage and greenery. Off in one corner was a children-only section where little ones crawled into a simulated underground chipmunk burrow and sat on stools that stood less than one foot high to eat their meals. Other game areas were strategically placed throughout the large dining hall that kept kids racing from one to the other with big smiles beaming on their faces.

“I heard Dr. Ayers say that protein is good for the baby,” Luke said. “I hope you like nuts and seeds, because every dish here is made with them. Either in the recipe or crushed and sprinkled on top as a coating. My favorite is the peanut-crusted hamburger.”

Audrey felt her smile widen. She already loved this place. “How long have you been coming here?”

“Ever since I was a kid. Wasn’t often enough for me back then. It was a special treat if Mom and Dad agreed to bring us here. Dad hated the noise and Mom was allergic to nuts.”

“Oh, wow, Luke. I don’t remember you ever talking about this place.”

Luke looked around. “There’s an empty booth. Wanna try it?”

“Of course.” She wouldn’t think of disappointing him.

Luke put his hand to her waist and guided her across the room, fending off three small children racing toward the burrow. Luke smiled like a little boy when a waitress dressed in a furry russet-colored chipmunk costume came to take their order. Audrey opted for the candied-walnut chicken salad and Luke ordered his favorite burger.

During the entire meal Luke rattled on and on about the baby and the things he wanted to do with him or her. Audrey found herself caught up in the enthusiasm and they both agreed, once the baby got old enough, they would put the Chipmunk Café on their radar.

That warm light in Luke’s eyes didn’t diminish throughout the meal or on the drive home. Something was definitely different with Luke today. He kept finding ways to touch her. To slip her hand into his or to spread his palm across her back as they walked along. But she didn’t place much faith in it. He was getting excited about the baby. Not her. Never her.

She’d pretty much convinced herself of that.

They entered the house together, Luke closing the door behind them. She took a step toward the hallway that led to her room and felt a gentle pull on her arm. A strong hand slipped down to her wrist and she turned to look into Luke’s incredibly handsome face.

“Thank you,” he said, “for letting me come today.”

His grasp on her wrist tightened as he drew her closer. She drifted to him as if on a windswept cloud. “It’s important that you be there. You’re, uh, the baby’s father.”

Sincerity touched his eyes and he gave a slight nod.

“Thanks for the Chipmunk Café,” she whispered, her ridiculous heart beating like mad.

“I had fun.”

“So did I. It’s a wild place for kids.”

“For some grown-ups, too,” he said with a cocky grin that brought out all of his boyish charm.

“Well, I’d…uh, I’d better get changed. I have wor—”

Luke glanced at her mouth. Then a smile broadened his lips and he bent his head. She didn’t move. She didn’t step back. Fool that she was, she wanted this. The second his lips touched hers, all the warning bells ringing in her head went on mute. A tiny whimper rose from her throat. Luke deepened the kiss until her breaths came fast and heavy. Thoughts of pushing him away entered, then fled her mind. She couldn’t breathe, much less think.

She curled her arms around his neck. He pulled her closer. His hand cupped the back of her head and strands of her hair flowed over his arm. The Copyright 2016 - 2024