Sunset Seduction - By Charlene Sands Page 0,29

pretty and now the physical barrier between them was gone. “Nothing?”

Luke didn’t respond. Anything he said would either hurt her or get him into trouble. It was the rock and the hard place.

“I’m going to bed,” he said. It was a good way of settling the matter. In the morning, they’d see things more clearly and could have a serious conversation about it over breakfast.

He had every intention of pivoting on his boot heels and hightailing it inside the house, but his legs weren’t moving. He stood rooted to the spot, just a few feet away from the woman clad in a smoking-hot bikini. He needed perspective. He needed to get away, but his brain worked in conjunction with his feet now and nothing budged.

Except Audrey.

She took a step closer and faced him from inches away, the lamps shining a golden halolike glow around her head. His reluctance to move parted her sweet lips and her eyes darkened to a seductive shade. “You don’t want to leave.”

Slowly, she reached behind herself and grabbed the ties of her halter top at the back of her neck. Fascinated and overwrought with desire, Luke couldn’t utter a word. He couldn’t tell her to stop. He couldn’t tell her this was crazy. She was his mystery woman and he’d secretly hoped to have a thrilling repeat of the night they’d shared.

He could only watch, his body singing a lusty tune, as she gave a slight tug. The material fell away and two beautifully round breasts bounced free on her chest. Shadowy light touched upon ripe pink-hued nipples that lifted toward the sky. His groin tightened at her perfection and the memory of weighing her in his hands, tasting her with his tongue.

“I ran away from you once, Luke. That won’t happen again.”


Luke wasn’t a weak man but he wasn’t a damn saint, either. And Audrey was a temptation he couldn’t resist tonight. She was naked but for the strip of material below her navel. One flick of his finger and she’d be fully bared to him. Being with the blonde mystery woman again was his fantasy come true.

On impulse, Luke reached for Audrey, wrapping his arms around her slender waist. He gave a sharp tug and she landed up against him, soaking his shirt with her wet skin, her breasts pressed to his chest. Her arms automatically circled his neck and he breathed in Sweet and Wicked again. With his thumb, he shoved her chin up. He bent his head and crushed her mouth with a kiss. A long, deep whimper rose from her throat and he groaned from the depths of his chest, drowning out her sexy sounds of passion.

The kiss wasn’t sweet or patient. He demanded that she meet him on his turf. Audrey had no trouble keeping up. Not even when his tongue shoved through her lips and found hers. He swept inside the hollows of her mouth, drawing her out with full strokes that had her body rocking against his in a rhythm that seized his soul and wouldn’t let go.

There was no end in sight. He couldn’t fathom putting a halt to this. He was consumed now with Audrey’s heady, willing and pliant body. She was his for the taking and Luke blocked out any thoughts that said otherwise.

He ran his hands through her hair, weaving his fingers through the silky strands as he kissed her. Leaning her back, he left her mouth to drizzle kisses on the tip of her chin and along her neck, then went farther south to nip at the base of her throat. One hand left her hair to cup her breast. He squeezed gently and filled his palm with a different kind of softness, rounded and silky smooth. His thumb flicked her nipple back and forth.

She moaned and Luke’s erection battled against the constraints of his pants. “So beautiful,” he muttered, barely able to breathe.

He rubbed his chin over her other breast, teasing the nipple right before he drew it deep into his mouth. He suckled her and stroked the nub with his tongue, until her breathing came in short, labored bursts. “Luke.”

Her plea tore at his willpower. He was lost. He’d had her once before, but this time was different. This time they both knew the score. There might be hell to pay later, but Luke was in the now and nothing was going to stop him from taking his mystery woman the way he’d dreamed so many times in the past. Copyright 2016 - 2024