Sunset Seduction - By Charlene Sands Page 0,22

of wondering what if. “Thank you for the beautiful negligee.” And for the nudge that had her convinced she may lose her chance with Luke if she didn’t act fast. Luke was eligible, handsome and a great guy. He was like a marked target and another Kat might come along and hit the bull’s-eye if she wasn’t careful. Audrey made a silent, determined vow to speak with Luke soon. Her cowardly days were numbered. “I, uh…I owe you.”

Sophia laid a hand on her arm. Audrey valued the comfort and friendship offered. “I’m happy to do it. And you don’t owe me a thing.” Then a delicious twinkle brightened Sophia’s eyes and she added, “But Luke might, one day.”


Luke watched Audrey from a short distance away from Trib’s paddock. As long as she stayed on her side of the half door, she’d be safe.

“He sees you, Luke. Back up a bit.”

Luke leaned against the shaded, wide double door of the barn. If he stepped any farther back, beams of sunlight flowing inside would get in his eyes and not allow him to see a thing. “This is as far as I’m going, Audrey. Deal with it.”

Audrey turned to him. Honey-gold strands of hair bunched under her felt hat escaped their confinement and streaked across cheeks reddened by frustration. She kept her tone light, but hissed the words through barely parted lips. “You’re not helping. He’s wary. Two of us here is hard for him to take right now.”

He answered her by crossing his arms over his chest.

Jutting her lower lip out, she blew the strands of hair off her face and whirled back around, giving him a pretty spectacular view of her backside. He grinned at the sequins forming twin diamond shapes on the pockets covering the firm mounds of her butt. She’d grumbled about the designer jeans all the way out here, but Luke thought they looked great on her. So did the tank top tucked inside, with the words Cowgirls Know How to Ride printed in hot pink on the front.

A strange fleeting jab affected him. His mind took a journey in search of something…something teetering on the edge of his memory. Something he couldn’t put his finger on. But at odd moments like this, while focused on Audrey’s sweet derriere, bizarre met with bewilderment in his head.

The same thing had happened when he’d kissed her the other day and he’d plagued his mind for the answer to a question he couldn’t even fathom.


Audrey used sweet, soothing words on the stallion. Her voice took on the tone of a lulling siren trying to coax Trib away from the back wall of his stable. Luke could easily fall victim to that melodic sweet tone. He absorbed the sound that calmed his own jittery nerves. Audrey was the best at patience and consistency. She earned trust. But it took time. She was hoping for a sign from the stallion. One step toward her would mean progress. Yet, the horse remained rooted to the spot, unyielding. His snorts were pensive and muted, like the quiet before the storm. Luke had been fooled by Trib once. He wouldn’t let Audrey suffer the consequences of Trib’s explosive temper.

“Luke, he won’t come over to me with you standing there.”

“You’re losing your touch, Audrey.” Such a lie.

“You’re being unreasonable. Go away.”

“I’ll think about it tomorrow, Audrey. We should get going now.”

“We just got here. You go. I’ll stay.”

Luke walked over to her. “He’s in a mood today. You’re not getting anywhere with him.”

“Let me be the judge of that. If you leave, I promise I’ll be right behind you in five minutes.”

He shook his head.

“Five minutes, Luke.” Her pretty eyes beseeched him.

He considered it for all of twenty seconds. Audrey’s unfaltering gaze stayed homed in on his and it was all he could to do to stick to his guns.

“Not today. Don’t rush it.”

“I’m not rushing it. But I won’t make progress unless you give me some leeway.”

“Not at the expense of your safety.”

“The stable is sturdy, right? The walls are intact. I’m not planning on going inside the stall.”

“Damn straight you’re not.” In a second he’d lose his cool. He didn’t have the patience of a saint and he was used to his employees obeying his orders. He glanced at his watch. “Crap. I’m running late. I’ve gotta go.”

“Got a hot date or something?” Her face flamed with indignation. “Is that why you won’t let me do my job?”

“Yes, I have a date.” And he Copyright 2016 - 2024