Sunset Seduction - By Charlene Sands Page 0,11

He poured two glasses and handed her one. He stood close, watching the cheese melt onto the bun as he sipped his drink. A trickle of moisture slipped down her neck. Just being near Luke made her break out in a sweat.

“What are you doing after you eat that?”

She shrugged. “I have no plans.”

“I was gonna wait until tomorrow, but if you’re up to it, I thought I’d take you over to meet Trib.”

“Ah…the horse that nearly killed you.”

“An exaggeration. There were a few broken ribs.”

“He broke your right arm, too.”

Luke stared at her. “I see your brother filled you in on my injuries.”

Yes, Casey had told her afterward, but she’d also had firsthand knowledge of his broken arm in the cast. But mercy, the man had left-hand skills that satisfied her just fine.

“You had a concussion, too.”

“But I’m right as rain now.”

It was permission to look him over from top to bottom. Not that she didn’t already know how right the man was. From the top of his sandy-blond hair down to his black snakeskin boots, Luke was perfect. “I’m glad you’ve recovered.”

“Wasn’t ever any doubt, but thanks. Appreciate it.”

She took the last bites of her sandwich and rubbed shoulders with Luke, who insisted on helping with the mess. They tidied up the kitchen, cleaned the counters and put the plates away in the dishwasher before heading outside.

A few minutes later, Luke led Audrey to a distant stable, one built for special cases like Tribute, a stallion with great ancestry and beautiful grace, but temperamental as all get-out. The ranch hands had nicknamed him Tribulation for all the darn trouble the horse gave them on a daily basis. One day Luke thought he’d broken the damn horse’s barriers and had let down his guard. That was the day Trib had sent him to the hospital.

“I don’t want you near him unless I’m with you,” Luke said. They walked out of the bright sunlight and into the much cooler barn. Even before he laid eyes on the dang horse, he heard the sound of his shuffling in his stall. “He isn’t keen we’re here. Darn horse is antisocial.”

Audrey’s eyes widened as she mentally accepted the challenge that Luke wouldn’t let her near the horse until he felt it was safe. He wouldn’t put her in danger, and Casey would probably crush him into pulp, anyway, if Luke let his kid sister get injured.

While she was staying at the ranch, Luke was responsible for her safety. He wouldn’t take that lightly. Casey’s trust was one reason, but Luke had always had a soft spot in his heart for her. If he’d had a sister, he’d want her to be just like Audrey Faith.

“You know I can’t get much done with you hovering over me, Luke.”

“I know no such thing. You can work your magic, with me hovering in the back of the barn. It’s the only way I’ll allow it.”

“Now you sound like Casey. Bossy.”

He had to smile at that. Casey was a pill when it came to his sister. “Maybe so, but just so we’re clear, you’re not to come in here unless I’m with you. Got that?”

Audrey frowned but finally nodded. “Okay.”

They came up to the paddock at the far end of the barn and looked over the half door to see the stallion pacing and snorting. The space was larger than most, the ground covered with a bedding of cedar shavings and straw.

“He’s a beauty,” Audrey whispered in awe. Her expressive eyes lit with longing and Luke could see her mind working already. She would find a way to connect with this animal.

“That, he is. I hate to give up on him. I was tempted, believe me. After I tripped in the stall and cursed loud enough for the next county to hear me, Trib got perplexed, and it was all I could do to get out of his way before he trampled the stuffing out of me. He’s got heralded ancestry and he’ll make someone a fine horse one day. If—and that’s a big if—we can find his gentle side.”

The horse stayed near the back wall, looking at them with sharp, wary eyes that took everything in. He knew Luke, but he still didn’t trust him. And now Audrey was added to the mix. “He’s better in the corral, but he doesn’t play well with others, so he’s pretty much a loner.”

“That has to change and it will. In time.”

“You have a couple of months.”

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