Sunset on Moonlight Beach - Sheila Roberts Page 0,76

said, hurrying to give her aunt a hug.

“Of course I am,” Edie said.

But after breakfast she decided to go back to bed. “So I’m rested up for tonight,” she claimed.

“I still think I should call Dr. Fielding,” Jenna said.

“I’ll not have you calling the doctor,” Aunt Edie told her. “His office certainly isn’t going to be open on a holiday and heaven knows what he’d charge for a home visit.”

“I don’t care what he’d charge. I’ll pay it happily,” Jenna said.

“I know, dear. But I don’t want you to.” And that ended the conversation.

Jenna came out of the kitchen later to find Aunt Edie stretched out on the couch, Jolly Roger sitting on the back of it, keeping her company. She hadn’t even made it up the stairs.

“I decided I’d rather stay here in the living room,” she explained. “You know, I’ve been lying here, thinking about what a good life I’ve had. So many wonderful years with Ralph, watching you girls grow up. Having you and Sabrina down here with me has been a real joy.”

Why was she talking like this now? Jenna felt suddenly cold, as if a dark shadow had passed over them.

“It’s been a joy for us, too,” she said, squeezing in at Aunt Edie’s feet. “I want us to have many more happy years together.”

“We can’t complain if we don’t,” Aunt Edie said, and a fresh shiver crept over Jenna.

Okay, that was it. “I’m calling the doctor,” she announced.

Aunt Edie frowned at her and shook a finger. “Don’t you dare. There’s nothing wrong with me other than old age, and no doctor can cure that. I’ll be fine after I’ve had a nice rest. Now, go find something to do with yourself.”

“Go find something to do with yourself,” added Roger.

There wasn’t much of anything left to do. Jenna wandered over to the office to check in on her mom, who’d offered to take the day shift.

“All is quiet,” Mel reported. “Winston dropped in.”

She suddenly looked like a woman who’d gotten caught cheating on her diet. Or saying something she shouldn’t have.

Oh, no. Here it comes.

“He wants to join us tonight.”

Yep, here it came. “Oh, Mom,” Jenna groaned, “you didn’t tell him about the beach party.” Of course she had.

“What could I do? He asked me what we were doing.”

Jenna sighed. “I guess we’re stuck with him. Where is he now?”

“He and the family went to see the parade.”

The parade. Normally the Driftwood Inn would have been participating, but Jenna had dropped the ball. With everything going on with Aunt Edie, she was glad she hadn’t entered their float in it.

“Forgive me, dear. I couldn’t lie to him,” Mel said.

“No, you couldn’t. Oh well. He’d have found us anyway, I’m sure. If you want to go home I can take over here,” Jenna said. “Aunt Edie’s resting and there’s not much for me to do for the party at this point.”

“All right. Celeste has been helping me at the house, but there are still a few things I want to get squared away. If you’re sure you don’t mind.”

“No. I’m at loose ends right now, anyway, and manning the desk will give me something to do besides hover over Aunt Edie. I can tell she’s not feeling good but she won’t let me call the doctor.”

“There’s not much you can do, then.”

“You’re right,” Jenna said, although it didn’t make her happy. “She pretty much told me to scram. I wouldn’t be surprised if Pete came in and kept her company. Do you know I walked in on him reading a romance novel to her last night?”

“That’s so sweet,” Mel said. “He truly cares about her. It just goes to show, you can find love at any age.”

“Yes, you can,” Jenna said, looking pointedly at her.

Mel ignored the look. “I’m happy to see you finding it with Brody.”

“I am,” Jenna said. “He’s always there for me.”

“Which is what we all need.”

With that, Mel left before Jenna could make any observations about her love life. Jenna settled herself behind the registration desk and helped herself to a cookie...made by her daughter instead of Aunt Edie. Was her great-aunt really only tired or was she hiding something from Jenna? Or, worse, was she in denial?

Jenna was still fretting when Seth stopped in. “Wanted to see if there’s anything you need,” he said.

“A doctor for Aunt Edie.”

His brows pulled together. “What’s wrong with her?”

“She claims nothing and won’t let me call Dr. Fielding.” Jenna went on to relate her great-aunt’s Copyright 2016 - 2024