Sunrise Point - By Robyn Carr Page 0,48


“Oh, very. However, I did come into some money last year…” She dropped her gaze briefly and Tom nearly winced—Bob’s death. “I could’ve paid bills, but I thought I deserved a few special things…”

“Of course,” he said. “I’m sorry, I—”

“That’s so wonderful of you to understand. Most men don’t get it, what beautiful things mean to a woman.”

He ran the knuckle of his index finger along her soft cheek. “Well, Darla, I get it. I really do.”

A few minutes later, he carried the luggage out to the Cadillac. He held the driver’s door for her and rather than getting in, she stood just inside the door, put her arms around his neck, gave him a full body press and openmouthed kiss. She put a little tongue into it and moaned slightly with what he could only perceive as longing.

Like Pavlov’s dog, his arms went around her, pulled her in tight and bent to the task of doing that kiss justice. One hand slowly slid up her back until he was caressing the back of her neck, his thumb and forefinger moving in slow circles while he deepened the kiss. He thought about the fact that he should get back in the house so he could resuscitate Maxie before she went into full cardiac arrest, because she was certainly watching. But Maxie had had a full life… . He concentrated on the banquet before him and wondered why he hadn’t tasted this passion the day before or last night when they were alone, when they could’ve talked about taking this a bit further.

She pulled back slowly, rubbing a hand along his chest and giving him a very sweet smile, her lids lowered seductively.

He laughed almost uncomfortably. “Where was that kiss last night? I’d have been happy to pull off the road on the way home… .”

“We decided there was no rush,” she said. “But if you want to know what I think, I think this friendship has potential.”

“I know I’ll be checking my emails more often,” he said, lifting her chin for another kiss. But he kept it brief. As tempting as it was to linger, she was leaving and he didn’t feel like making out in the drive between the house and barn.

“Good. I’m sure I’ll see you soon. Please thank Maxie for me. She’s so wonderful.”

“Would you like to run inside and thank her yourself?” Tom asked.

“I said thank you this morning. And I must really be going. There’s an orientation this evening.”

“I’ll tell her,” Tom said. “How about a call later, just to let me know you made it safely.”

“Sure.” And she leaned in for a quick peck on the lips. “And thank you, Tom. I didn’t know it was going to be so wonderful.” And with that, she got in her car, executed a wide U-turn and drove away.

“Me, either,” he said to himself, scrubbing off his cap and running a hand through his short hair.

And then he followed on foot so he could close the gate behind her.

* * *

It had come as no surprise to Nora that Jed wanted to come back again as soon as she would allow another visit, and that he wanted to bring Susan. He stood at the door on another Sunday afternoon with another box of gifts. “This is getting almost predictable.”

“Oh, wait,” the woman beside him said with a smile. “Hi, I’m Susan and I’m so happy to meet you. Thanks for letting me be included. Watching Jed discover his family has been…” She sighed, closed her eyes briefly and said, “It’s a joy. It’s been his dream for so many years. He’s enjoyed my daughters and grandchildren, but this is a whole new thing. He’s in ecstasy!”

“Susan,” he said. “Don’t scare her. I’m not obsessed.”

Susan, a woman for whom glamour was obviously not a priority, just laughed. A woman in her fifties, she had chosen to let the gray hair in and wore no makeup. She was dressed in jeans, a T-shirt and wore a flannel shirt over it. Very plain, very down to earth, completely approachable. “He’s obsessed,” she confirmed. “But you don’t have to be afraid.”

Jed didn’t waste any time—he was down on the floor with his box of goodies. Curious Fay was there in a flash, crawling up to the box while Jed slowly removed toys and books. Berry was slower, but she Copyright 2016 - 2024