Sunrise Point - By Robyn Carr Page 0,15

a luxury way beyond me. But who can forget ginsu knives? I used to love those demonstrations. It wouldn’t have surprised me if fingers went flying. But who knows—maybe they did and the icky stuff was cut. No pun intended,” she added with a laugh.

He stared straight ahead as he drove for a few moments. Then he turned down the long drive into the orchard. “Here’s what we’re going to do, Nora. I’m going to wait for you where the road from town meets 36 and give you a lift. And I’ll drop you off there after work.”

“I told you, I don’t mind—”

“I know, you don’t mind walking. I give you a lot of credit for that—you have gumption. But I’d like you to reserve your energy for work. And it’s not one hundred percent safe out here at dawn and dusk. I’m not saying it’s dangerous, but there are wildlife issues.”

“I can run,” she said. “Seriously, I’m fast.”

He glanced over at her. “Seriously, you never want to try that. The only wildlife you can outrun is a turkey. Bobcats, mountain lions, bear—that’s just what they’re looking for—running marks you as prey and they’re way faster than you could dream of being. If you come across one of them, back away slowly, making some kind of noise. Bark like a seal or something. Clap your hands. And pray.” He took a breath. “I’m more than happy to give you a lift.”

She sighed. “Thank you, Mr. Cavanaugh,” she said. “But I’m not sure it’s such a good idea for your other employees to think I’m getting special treatment.”

“It’s Tom,” he said on a laugh. “Just Tom. If the idea doesn’t sit with you, we can see if Buddy will drive you after work—he shows up sometimes after school for a couple of hours.”

“Like I said, we probably shouldn’t encourage Buddy… .”

“You just tell him—you’re twenty-three. And if he thinks about a date with an older woman, maybe say you’re not over your ex-husband or something.”

“But that would be a lie,” she said.

He smiled. It was unmistakable—he smiled. “Well, then, you are over him.”

“There is no ex-husband.”

He shot her a look. “You’re married?”

She shook her head.

“Widowed? Already? At your young age?”

“Never married. Mr. Cavanaugh.” She took a steadying breath—he clearly wanted to know. “I have two children, have never had a husband, my boyfriend ran out on me and he is now in jail for assault and felony possession and I am on my own. He will not be allowed near my children again. I don’t use or deal, I’m trying to get it together for my girls and myself. And I won’t lie to anyone.”

The big white truck actually slowed a little bit while he absorbed this. Then Tom accelerated again, getting back up to speed. “Then just tell Buddy you’re twenty-three and a single mother. That should do it.”

She was quiet for a moment. “I’m sure,” she said softly. Of course that would discourage him. It would send any man running for his life.

“I’m going to ask him to take you to the turnoff after work and I’ll meet you there before work. A mile or so walk each way is more than enough for anyone and I don’t feel like having an employee mauled by a puma or bear. I’ve had to repair our fence a couple of times and while I haven’t seen any, I suspect bears. They’re usually shy and avoid people, but let’s just play it safe.”

She stared at his profile for a moment. “Mr. Cavanaugh, I don’t want to be pitied and I don’t need special treatment. I’m more than happy to do whatever it takes to work a job that pays well. I appreciate the gesture, I absolutely do, but—”

“Do you feel like fighting off a bear? Because a man was mauled not far from here. And you do have a family to think about.”


“Tom!” he barked. “It’s just Tom. The subject is closed.”

He pulled up to the barn that held his office, turned off the truck and got out, leaving her sitting there.

She wasn’t sure what it was about her that made him so angry. Alternately angry or kind or amused, that was more accurate. She tried to show him respect; she was honest with him even though it wasn’t easy.

She watched him tromp up the steps Copyright 2016 - 2024