Sunrise Point - By Robyn Carr Page 0,103

unaffected style, her lack of guile. She was pure and simple and honest and that was all he wanted.

He walked Darla across the porch and opened the kitchen door. “Maxie,” he said. “Look who’s here.”

His grandmother turned from the stove and jumped in surprise. “Darla!” she said, her hand going to her chest.

Tom did not want to ever lose his grandmother but he did have the passing thought that if she at least fainted, it might divert Darla’s attention from what was going to be a very uncomfortable evening.

“Maxie,” she said, opening her arms to embrace the older woman.

“What a surprise,” Maxie said, submitting to the embrace, patting Darla’s back. Over Darla’s shoulder she stared daggers at Tom.

“I missed you,” Darla said warmly.

“Well, so nice you’re here. I wish you’d have called—I’m afraid there’s nothing but calories on the table tonight.”

“Oh, that’s good, I’m famished. And guess what? I brought a very nice, very expensive Chardonnay. I put it in the trunk in a frozen wine sleeve so it’s ready to be uncorked. Will you join me in a glass while Tom brings in my luggage and takes a shower?”

Maxie lifted one eyebrow. “Perhaps more than one,” she said. And while Darla may not have picked up on the sarcasm, Tom did.

Duke came into the kitchen, happily wagging his tail, because of course he assumed everyone who came to the orchard came to see him.

“No, Duke, no,” Darla said, backing away with the palm of her hand out, warding him off. “You’re hairy.”

“Darla, he’s a dog,” Tom said, perhaps a little irritably. Then in order to cover his tracks, he said, “I’ll get your bags.”

When he came into the house again, carrying three of her four bags, he noticed that she was sitting at the kitchen table. Remaining in the trunk of her car was a fancy briefcase and her chilled bottle of wine. He found it simply remarkable that the woman didn’t even bother to fetch those two lightweight items and bring them in but rather waited for him to do so. As he passed through the kitchen on his way back to her car he asked, “Just out of curiosity, how do you get the luggage into the trunk?”

“Oh, you just won’t believe it. The nicest man lives in the condo right next door—also a student at Davis. He’s been so helpful, so accommodating. All I have to do is tell him when I’ll need a hand and he’s right there, ready and able.”

“Does he carry your books to class, too?” Tom asked.

“Why, Tom,” she said, a teasing tone to her voice. “Are you possibly jealous?”

He was sure he would not have a problem telling her, tonight, that she’d better get some new ideas about her future because he was now officially off the map. The woman drove him insane. “Let me get the rest and get that shower.”

“Thank you, sweetheart.”

He did not dare turn around and look at his grandmother’s expression.

* * *

After Darla picked her way through an amazing roast chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, Tom helped his grandmother clear the table and take care of the dishes. Darla excused herself to change into something more comfortable.

“Thank God,” he said to his grandmother. “Okay, listen, Maxie. You’re going to have to disappear for a while, give me the room. I have to tell her how it is—that we are not seeing each other, not now, not ever. She’s very determined, although I can’t for the life of me figure out why.”

“Maybe you just blow every whistle she’s got,” Maxie said with a sneer.

He just stared at her. “Oh, yeah, you have to leave the room. You’re losing control of your filter.”

“Well, I’d go into town, maybe stop off at Jack’s looking for gossip, but I had to drink two glasses of her very expensive wine just to be able to sit through dinner with her. Don’t you ever bring an anorexic to dinner here again! And by the way, she got screwed on the wine! Doesn’t she think we country hicks know good wine? We have award-winning vineyards around here! We know our wine! If that bottle cost more than eight-ninety-nine I’ll wet myself!”

He rolled his eyes. “Can you find something to do in your…room?” he asked.

“And miss the Raiders and Cowboys game?”

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