Summoned in Time - Barbara Longley Page 0,95

the side of the hill. He couldn’t remember a single time she’d said she’d stay. When it came to their discussions about where they’d settle, she hadn’t even asked him to return with her. Why hadn’t he noticed until now? Hell, she hadn’t even said a word when he’d declared in front of witnesses that his greatest wish and hope was that they’d marry here in Garretsville in the very near future.

The truth punched him in the gut, and his heart stuttered. She’d intended to return to the future all along … without him. “She doesn’t love me,” he said to the wind as his throat and chest tightened around that painful realization.

“Nay, that’s not what this is about. Don’t think like that, boyo. She does love you.” He knew she did. She’d admitted as much. Think, man. How could he turn things around? Did she not know he’d do everything in his power to see that she was happy?

“She’s upset right now, and who wouldn’t be?” Once she calmed down, she’d realize they would be deliriously happy together. He continued to pace and carry on his one-sided conversation. She’d said the only option to her in his time was to be a homemaker. He’d grown up believing that path to be the greatest wish and the ultimate goal of every young woman.

“Fool,” he bit out at his own ignorant assumptions. He’d neglected to take into account the century in which she’d been born, her education, and her aspirations.

He and Charles owned a business. By gad, if Meredith wanted a career, he’d provide her with one. She could work for Hannigan & Cavanaugh doing whatever she felt suited her, and if she chose to work elsewhere, he’d support her in any way he could so she’d flourish on her own terms.

His spirits brightened just as the first fat drops of rain began to fall. Lightning arced through a distant thunderhead, and several seconds later, thunder rumbled through the mountains.

He set out for the cabin as more ideas came to him, ways to overcome this most recent setback. Meredith had knowledge of the future. How could he and Charles not appreciate her input as she steered them in directions that would be profitable? Hell, they should offer her a full partnership.

First, he needed to apologize. He’d made assumptions and been less than forthcoming in his intentions. Without regard for her wishes, he’d mounted a campaign to win her over to his way of thinking when it came to when and where they should live. His father had advised him that, when it came to love and marriage, prideful stubbornness had no place in a happy home. When you erred, you must apologize.

He entered the cabin to find Meredith helping Charles shuffle to the kitchen table. The scent of coffee brewing filled the interior, and his stomach rumbled. “Good morning, Charles. How are you feeling?”

“Sore, but hungry.” He grimaced as he lowered himself onto a chair. “Meredith says a good appetite is a sign I’m healing, so I’ll not complain.”

“Did she tell you about—”

“Aye, she told me. It’s sorry I am that the lad acted as he did, but I cannot say I’m sorry to have you stay.” Charles glanced at Meredith. “You are a treasure, lass, and I’m a wee bit jealous Danny found you first.”

“Kind of you to say so,” she said, her tone dull.

She still hadn’t looked at him either. Daniel took note of the puffiness around her eyes. “Meredith, I’m sorry.”

“For what?” she asked as she reached for the basket of eggs beneath the counter. “Did you suggest stealing the diamond to Oliver?”

“Are you implying I did this to keep you here? Heat rose up his neck at the insult. “I had nothing to do with his theft. How could you even think such a thing?”

“I don’t.” She bit her lip and her eyes filled. “Daniel, I’m sorry too. None of this is your fault, and I shouldn’t dump all over you because I’m upset. I need time to deal with what has happened. I need to be alone so I can think things through.” Finally she met his gaze. “Will you give me that?”

“Of course. Whatever you need, you shall have.” He swallowed the lump that had risen to his throat. “How would you like to achieve the privacy you seek, seeing we all live under the same roof?”

“After breakfast, I’d like to go upstairs where I plan to spend the day indulging in a little self-pity Copyright 2016 - 2024