Summoned in Time - Barbara Longley Page 0,70

face with a second piece of pie than he did in learning that her money was no longer on the premises. Maybe Daniel had misjudged him. She slid her hand into her pocket and pressed her finger tips against the leather bag holding the remaining diamond.

For the most part, Oliver was just a kid, treating life as if he lived inside an adventure movie. She doubted he’d do anything stupid to botch Charles and Daniel’s rescue, and she was even more than certain he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize their only way back to the future.


“Have a seat, sheriff.” Daniel gestured toward the kitchen table, where Oliver, Meredith and Charles were already settled. Meredith and Oliver had rehearsed what they were to say, Meredith choosing to let the lad do most of the talking. He and Charles had tutored the two on their connections to the Hannigan relatives in New York in case the sheriff should ask. Still, Daniel’s nerves were on edge. “Oliver, this is William Ramsey. He’s Garretsville’s sheriff. Bill, this is Oliver, Meredith’s half-brother.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Ramsey.” Oliver stood up and offered his hand, and they shook.

“I made a fresh pot of coffee. Can I offer you a cup?” Daniel busied himself with filling mugs for everyone present.

“Absolutely. It’s bound to be better than the sludge I make.” The sheriff settled himself at the table and accepted the mug Daniel handed him.

Once everyone had been served, Daniel took his place between Meredith and Oliver.

The sheriff glanced around at each of them. “So, what’s this all about?”

“Go ahead, Oliver,” Meredith said as she peered around Daniel at her supposed half-brother. “You heard what they said better than I did. I caught only fragments of their plan.”

“Right, right,” Oliver said, bobbing his head. “My sister and I were eating breakfast at Higgins Trading Post in Hellgate on the day Cousin Charles was due to come for us.”

“What day was that?” the sheriff asked

“Sunday, June fourth,” Charles answered.

Bill gave Oliver an encouraging look. “Go on, son.”

“There were three men sitting at the table directly behind us. They were discussing plans to ambush two prospectors here in Garretsville—two prospectors rumored to have recently struck gold. Their informant had told them the partners always brought their haul to the assayer on Monday mornings.”

“Can you guess who the two are?” Charles shot a wry look the sheriff’s way. “Most bring their hauls to town Thursday or Friday. Over the weekend they drink, gamble, and whore their way through their profits.” Charles glanced at Meredith. “Excuse my language, Meredith.”

“It’s fine.” She waved a hand in the air as if brushing away the mention of whores.

Charles crossed his arms over his chest, a look of disgust suffusing his features. “Too many drunks staggering around, and too many fights break out over the weekends. Dan and I like to steer clear of that nonsense. We prefer to head into town while the hungover fools are heading out.”

“You don’t have to tell me. Who do you think hauls the drunk and disorderlies off to jail to sleep it off?” Bill grunted. “So, you believe those three are planning to ambush your cousin and his partner here?” he asked Oliver, canting his head toward Charles.

Oliver nodded. “Who else could it be?”

“We’re the only two we know of who bring our haul to town on Monday mornings.” Daniel leaned forward. “I’m guessing you’ve heard we recently struck gold.”

“I had heard the rumor.”

“Whoever told those three about Charlie and Dan also described exactly where to ambush them. Obviously their informant knows the area well, because they mentioned landmarks.” Oliver straightened in his chair. “I’ve checked the area they described, and I can show you exactly where they plan to do the deed.”

“Hmm.” Sheriff Ramsey frowned. He opened his mouth to say something, and Meredith cut him off.

“The one who did most the talking mentioned they had business elsewhere to take care of first, so they’ll likely commit the crime on Monday the nineteenth, or on the twenty-sixth,” Meredith said, her gaze going to Oliver. “Isn’t that right, Ollie?”

The lad nodded, and Daniel had to squelch the grin threatening to break free. The two had done incredibly well with their parts, and even he was convinced it had happened exactly as they’d described the scene.

“Charles and I believe the three they overheard are the same men who robbed and murdered poor old Gus out by his sluice, as well as Eddie Hague, whose claim lay just beyond Cross Creek. Copyright 2016 - 2024