Summoned in Time - Barbara Longley Page 0,58

the fae man who helped us, planted a suggestion within you. One that would give you a sense of recognition when we met. That’s why you remember me, or at least you feel as if you do.”

“I believe I would have had the feeling of recognition even if he hadn’t planted the suggestion. I’ve no doubt I wanted to remember you, Meredith MacCarthy, and that’s a fact.” He turned a lopsided, heart-melting smile her way. “You and I helped Frederick Klein’s great-great-granddaughter uncover the fortune he’d buried?”

“We did.” She snorted. “After everything I’ve told you, that’s what stands out? How is it you’re accepting all of this so easily? You seem so … calm. More so than I am.”

“It’s too unbelievable not to be true, if that makes any sense.” He flashed her a wry look. “With my life hanging in the balance, what choice do I have?”

“I see what you mean.” Her stomach growled.

“Ah, lass, forgive me. You must be starving. Let’s return to the cabin. I hope there might be stew left for the two of us.” He stood and reached out to help her up.

Her throat constricted as his strong, callused hand wrapped around hers. “You’re so warm,” she murmured, tightening her grip as she pulled herself to standing. “And alive.”

“Thanks to you, and let us hope I’ll continue living for many years to come.”

“That’s the plan.” She expected him to let go of her once she was on her feet, but he didn’t. The wonderful sensation of her hand in his so overwhelmed her that she hardly dared to breathe lest she wake up to discover this was all a dream.

“So, in the distant future, you and I were … close?” he asked quietly.

“As close as a girl and a ghost can be.” Thoughts of the intimacy they’d shared when he’d written the letter played through her mind, and she smiled. “We did spend a lot of time together. I was doing research on your family, trying to find out what became of them after you left.”

She glanced his way. His damp hair had formed corkscrew curls springing up everywhere. Oh, how she longed to run her fingers through those curls. “You desperately wanted to cross into the light and leave your earthly worries behind. I wanted to give you that gift if I could.”

She explained briefly how she’d gone to town and searched using the internet without getting into the details of how it all worked. “Things are very different in the twenty-first century than they are now. It’s hard to explain all the technology because I don’t really understand it myself.”

“To be honest, I don’t wish for an explanation.” He squeezed her hand. “You’ve a kind heart, Meredith. What did you find during your search?”

“Nothing. I fear the records might have been lost or destroyed during World War II.”

His brow rose, and a look of alarm suffused his features. “The world will be at war? Ireland was involved? When?”

She nodded. “World War II began in 1939 and ended in 1945. I’ve visited many buildings in Ireland that suffered great damage during that war.” She gave him a brief description of the situation leading to the war. “Not only that, but this country will go through a war that begins in April, 1861.” As they walked, she described the events leading to the Civil War and how the Union prevailed over the South’s attempt to secede.

“Unbelievable,” he muttered. “I shall have to share this information with Charles and his kin.”

When they reached the cabin, he let go of her hand and opened the door for her. She preceded him over the threshold and into the warm, cozy cabin, greeted by the scents of stew and biscuits. Her stomach growled again.

Charles sat at the kitchen table, the leather document holder exactly where she’d left it. Oliver stood by the sink washing dishes.

“Is there any food left?” Daniel asked as he pulled out a chair for her at the table.

“Of course. The pot is still warm on the back hob, and the biscuits are in the covered basket there.” He twisted around and jutted his chin toward the counter. As Daniel put their suppers together, the two men talked about her letter, Charles filling him in on the parts Daniel hadn’t yet read.

“Would either of you like to see the article that led me on this journey in the first place?” she asked.

“Aye, I’ve been consumed by curiosity about what else you might have in that wee Copyright 2016 - 2024