Summoned in Time - Barbara Longley Page 0,16

hopes to ease his mind about his family enough that he can pass on.”

“You’d think the dead could somehow recognize their own blood kin, would you not?” he mused. “There are so many mysteries I’ve not considered until recently.” He brought his attention back to the entrancing, vibrant woman before him. “Do you want me to have a word with Frederick regarding his granddaughter’s wish to communicate with him?”

“Would you?”

“I’d do anything to please you, Meredith MacCarthy, and that’s a fact.” The heat she radiated rose a few degrees, and color bloomed on her fair cheeks. She also bit her lower lip and turned away from him.

Had his flirtatious words pleased or offended her? What the bloody hell are you thinking, idiot? You’re dead, and even your bones have turned to dust by now. “I shall seek him out this very moment.”

“Wait,” she said.


“Will you tell me what happened the day you died? Any information I can gather about the felonious fellows who preyed on the prospectors here will help me send them on their way. I also want to learn more about the vow you made and couldn’t keep.”

His phantom hands curled into fists. “Not now, lass. Not here. Especially not after you’ve so carefully arranged everything on the shelves.”

“Oh, right, because things might go flying.” Her brow creased as she studied the well-organized shelves. “Where then?”

“Will you meet me atop the hill where you spoke with your sisters?”

“Of course. When?”

“At dusk. By then I shall have news of Frederick.”

“Thank you.”

“You are most welcome.” What would it be like to kiss her full lips and to trace his finger down her soft, warm cheek? In all the decades he’d been a ghost, he’d never before experienced these longings or this yearning to be corporeal once again. All he’d wanted was to cross into the light. These unsettling feelings only deepened his regret for what had been stolen from him.

“Thank you for coming to this godforsaken hellhole to help a linger of ghosts move on—ghosts you’ve no ties to I might add. It’s a generous, good-hearted mission you’ve undertaken, Meredith.” Hopefully she’d see his gratitude as reason enough for him to want to please her.

Once again her cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink, and once again he fisted his insubstantial hands, this time to keep from reaching for her. “Until dusk then.” He bowed slightly.

“See you later,” she said, gracing him with a sweet smile.

His nonexistent breath caught in his throat at that smile. One more lingering look, and he took his leave to search for Frederick Klein. Like so many of the ghosts in Garretsville, he’d likely find the man going through the motions of working his claim. Daniel fixed the location in his mind and flashed himself there.

Another mystery to ponder: How was it he could wish himself to another location and arrive there at the speed of thought? Ah, but not any destination, he’d tried and failed to leave Garretsville many times.

He’d even attempted to think himself back to Ireland so he could search for his family. That failed attempt caused him days and days of bitter disappointment. None of the ghosts could go any farther from Garretsville than their mining claims. For the first time he had hope. Meredith would free them all.

“Aunt Beth, we need to talk,” Meredith blurted the moment her aunt answered the phone. “I’m in over my head here, and I’m going to need help.” She paced around the interior of the gift shop, taking one more look to make sure everything was in order for tomorrow’s opening.

“I had a feeling.”

“Of course you did.” Meredith huffed out a laugh.

“So tell me what’s going on, and we’ll come up with a plan of action.”

Meredith shared with her aunt everything she’d learned, including the visitation she’d had with the spirits of the murderers. “They said that I’m familiar to them. Have you ever heard of any spirits saying something like that to a medium? It scared the bejeezus out of me.”

“Hmm. Can’t say that I’ve heard that particular fright tactic being used before, but I wouldn’t pay too much attention to anything a malevolent spirit says. You know their primary purpose is to elicit fear, and all ghosts recognize those of us who are gifted. They can tell we see and hear them.”

“But … all three said it at the same time.”

“Perhaps you resemble a woman who lived in Garretsville when they did, or perhaps you did live in Garretsville when they did. Copyright 2016 - 2024