Summoned in Time - Barbara Longley Page 0,101

a way with words,” she whispered.

“And a fair talent for lovemaking as well, aye?” He waggled his brows at her.

She laughed. “Aye,” she teased.

“While your thoughts have been taking a philosophical turn, all I’ve been able to think about is our wedding night,” he admitted.

“I’ve been thinking of that as well.” She leaned against him. “It’s mid-afternoon now. How long do you think our reception will last?”

“Until the sun begins to set and all the food is gone. Folks will want to leave while there’s still a bit of light to travel home by I’d imagine.”

Meredith frowned. “That long?”

Daniel waved as the Kleins climbed into their wagon and departed for town. The last rays of daylight streaked the western horizon with crimson, and the moon had already risen. “I thought they’d never leave,” he said. As grateful as he was to those who’d stayed to help clean up, he was even more grateful to see them on their way.

“Me too.” She sighed. “Ours was a lovely reception. I only wish I could’ve taken a few pictures,” Meredith said as the wagon disappeared around a bend. “At least we’ll have the photograph taken by the barber. Good thing there’s an amateur photographer in town.”

“We have the pictures Charles took with your wee phone box.” He put his arm around his wife’s curvy waist and turned her toward the cabin.

“A lot of good that will do us,” she huffed. “My phone’s battery isn’t going to last forever. Even with the wi-fi, Bluetooth and cellular turned off, it can’t last forever.” She frowned.

He’d had one thing and one thing only on his mind all afternoon, and it had nothing to do with the mysteries of future technologies. “Come, love. Let us retire to the privacy of our bedroom. This being our wedding night and all, I’ve important work to undertake, and I wish to do the occasion justice.

“Where’s Charles?” his dear wife asked as she slid her arm around him.

“He has not yet recovered his strength fully, and the ride to and from town took a toll. Charles has retired for the evening, and I’m certain he’s fast asleep.” Daniel led Meredith up the steps to the porch.

“I’m not surprised,” she said. “It’s only been three weeks since he was shot.”

“Aye. This being July tenth, it is three weeks exactly since that fateful day. I want you to know I’m not the kind of husband who will forget our anniversary.” Daniel opened the cabin door and ushered his bride inside.

“I won’t forget either,” she said taking his hand in hers. His wife led him toward the stairs to their bedroom. “The only thing bothering me right now are all these clothes between us.”

He’d already grown hard in anticipation, and her words set off a pleasurable surge of heat. Once he’d closed the door behind them, Daniel drew her into his arms. “Be gentle with me, wife, for I am a virgin.” She laughed, and need pulsed straight to his groin.

“A technicality since we’ve done everything except that last bit, but sure, I’ll be gentle with you,” she teased again. “I don’t believe losing your virginity will cause you any pain though.” She tugged his shirt from his trousers and began unbuttoning.

“Really? Let me disabuse you of the notion, for I am currently in considerable pain from wanting you—a throbbing ache to be precise.” He kissed her, and as it always did, his desire for her took flight. Her lips parted for him, and he accepted the invitation. The next few moments were spent in a flurry of disrobing, while trying not to break the kiss. His breathing came fast and hard as his arousal reached a feverish pitch.

Naked at last, he stepped back and allowed his gaze to roam over her. “You are my ideal of feminine perfection, Meredith Cavanaugh. I’m a very lucky man. His eyes snagged on the dusky pink of her areolas and the slightly darker buds of her nipples. He reached out and traced a finger around one, and it tightened at his touch. He smiled. “I love the way your body responds to me.”

“Mmm-hm.” She brushed her knuckles low over his belly, and his cock bobbed and grew even harder. “Ditto,” she said, a knowing, sexy expression suffusing her features.

Daniel scooped her into his arms and carried her to their bed. Laying her down gently, he continued his perusal for a few moments. She lay stretched out on the bed, naked, like an offering for him and only Copyright 2016 - 2024