Summer's Distant Heart - Laura Landon Page 0,11

good would it do for Lord Atherton to know Jannie was pregnant with his brother’s child before they wed?

After a short hesitation, she stepped forward and sat in the swing. Lord Atherton stepped aside and leaned a shoulder against the tree’s trunk.

“Do you think it’s possible that your father won’t find out about his grandson?”

“Do you want the truth?”


“Then, no. Eventually he’ll find out about you and your son. And when he does—”

Lia thrust herself from the swing and lost her balance as her feet sought purchase. Before she could right herself, Lord Atherton’s hand reached out and he caught her. His arm wrapped around her waist and he pulled her to him.

Every muscle in her body stiffened. Every nerve sparked as if struck by lightning. She experienced the strangest pull on her heart when she clasped her hands around his arms in an effort to support herself.

Their gazes locked in shock and surprise. His brows lowered and a lethal frown deepened across his forehead. His eyes turned dark and dangerous. His arms held her firmly for several moments, then he dropped his hands from her body as if she’d burned him.

His body stiffened and he took a distinct step away from her.

The electric moment defied belief. Lia forced herself to banish the unwelcome sensation that lingered on her flesh. She couldn’t be affected by something as simple as his touch.

Not by him.

Not by a man with a title.

Janice may have found her great love in the arms of her handsome young earl, but Lia’s experience had not been so kind. Never again would she expose her heart to a man who might steal it, then stomp it beneath the heel of his boot. A man who might leave her for a prettier woman with a fine name and a huge dowry. A woman whose father boasted a far grander title than university professor.

Lia turned and walked away from Hunter Montclaire. This time she was certain he had no intention of following her. But his voice called to her as she entered the house.

“How soon can you and your aunt be ready to travel?”

She didn’t turn. She didn’t want to answer his question but she didn’t have a choice. She didn’t have a choice in anything. Not if she wanted her son—no, her sister’s son—to be safe.

“Soon,” she answered, then stepped into the dark cool of the drawing room. Thankfully, her aunt was no longer there and Lia could escape to the nursery.

She picked up little George and held him as the reality of her situation enveloped her. She had no choice but to go with Atherton.

It was the only way George would be safe.

Chapter 4

Hunter fumed his way across Lady Collinson’s terrace. His steps were long and angry.

What the hell had just happened? He raked his hand down his face as if he could wipe the events of the last fifteen minutes from his memory.

Just the feel of his flesh touching hers through layers of clothing had caused a tumultuous reaction that he’d never experienced before.

He couldn’t allow himself to unleash emotions like this. He was incapable of caring for anyone. Caring for someone meant you could not live your life without them. Just like his father hadn’t been able to live without Hunter’s mother and had spent the rest of his life hating the son who was responsible for her death.

No. He would not allow himself to care for anyone.

“Lord Atherton?” a soft voice said from behind him.

Hunter turned to find himself looking into the concerned gaze of the dowager viscountess. The lady’s butler followed her carrying a tray with crystal decanters and glasses. He placed the tray on the terrace table and left them.

“Lady Collinson,” Hunter answered, executing a perfect bow. “I didn’t expect that you’d still be about.”

“I was waiting for you.” She pointed to a nearby chair. “Please, sit down.”

Hunter waited until Lady Collinson sat, then walked to the table.

“Would you care for something to drink?” she asked.

“Yes, my lady. I would. May I pour you something?”

“Yes. Sherry, please.”

Hunter poured Lady Collinson a glass of sherry, then poured a snifter of brandy for himself. He needed something strong after the conversation he’d had with his sister-in-law. And after the way he’d reacted to her nearness.

“My maid tells me my niece was upset when she returned to the house.”

Hunter took a swallow of his brandy. “Yes. I’m afraid the outcome of our conversation wasn’t what your niece wanted to hear.”

“Do not judge her too harshly, my Copyright 2016 - 2024