The Summer of Us (Mission Cove #1) - Melanie Moreland Page 0,67

cuddling her to my chest, lost in the moment of warm intimacy with her. I dropped kisses to her head, whispering words of adoration and love to her. “Sunny, baby…” My voice trailed off.

She lifted her head, sleepy and sated. “Hi.”


She tapped my chin, a goofy smile on her lips. “Hi.”

I chuckled. “Did I fuck the words right out of you?”

She giggled. “I think I was the one fucking you, Linc.”

“I love it when you talk dirty.”

She wiggled a little. “I am dirty.” She wrinkled her nose. “Messy.”

I chuckled. “How about a shower?”

“Sounds good.”

“Then pizza?”

She hesitated.

“Would you like something else?’

“I love Chinese. I mean, love it. Where we lived in Nova Scotia, we knew an Asian family that had a restaurant. It was amazing and I was spoiled. Their noodles and ginger chicken were so awesome. I crave them. Mission Cove has one place, and it’s pretty bad. There must be some good places here?”

“There are and, in fact, there’s a great one close. I’ll order us all your favorites.”

She pushed off my chest. “Race you to the shower.”

I watched her hurry away, enjoying the way her hips swayed and admiring the curve of her ass. She always had a great ass—even in our teens. It was the only thing that made watching her leave enjoyable. Still, I jumped from bed and followed. I wasn’t ready to let her out of my sight yet.

Sunny gazed around the table, her eyes wide. “How much food did you order?”

I slid a plate in front of her. “A lot. I wasn’t sure what you liked aside from noodles and ginger chicken, so I got what I thought you would enjoy, plus my favorites. We can pack up the leftovers and take them back to Mission Cove.”

She sat down, reaching for the noodles. I grinned at her eagerness. One thing I had always loved about Sunny was there was never any pretense. She never hid the fact that she was hungry or enjoyed eating. I had always kept extra treats in my car for her when we were younger. So many girls at school picked at their food, refusing to let anything pass their lips that wasn’t in the form of salad or vegetables. I had observed the same thing in many of the women I had encountered in my adult life. It was a mystery to me, and I was glad Sunny had never adopted that mind-set. I liked seeing her enjoy the food in front of her. It made me less self-conscious about my own appetite, which to this day, was massive.

We loaded up our plates, the kitchen filled with the low moans and exclamations from Sunny. I watched her chew a dumpling, slurp noodles, pick up some spicy beef in her fingers when her chopstick skills failed her, all while making noises that were oddly erotic. My dick hardened as she licked her lips, closing her eyes in satisfaction as her tongue lapped at the spicy sauce from the ginger chicken.

“That, right there,” she groaned. “Oh my god, it’s better than sex.”

I slapped my hand on the table. “You wanna bet on that, Sunny-girl?” I growled. “My cock is willing to take on that challenge—right on top of the counter behind me. You wanna throw down?”

Her eyes flew open, her tongue frozen mid-lick. “Um, what?”

I pointed my chopsticks at her. “The noises, the mutterings. You have no idea what you’re doing to me. You either need to tone it down, or we’re taking a break from dinner.”

She blinked. Had the audacity to lean over and peek under the table. My casual pants were tented obscenely. She sat up. “Wow.”

I narrowed my eyes at her. She grinned, winked, then twirled a long strand of noodles on her chopsticks and, never breaking our gaze, slurped them loudly, licked her lips and hummed. “So…good,” she moaned. “So-so-good.”

My chair fell back as I stood, towering over her. “I warned you.”

She was out of her seat fast, grabbing a dumpling as she did. “You’re going to have to catch me.”

I grinned maniacally. “Oh, baby, you’re on.”

Sunny lifted her leg, bubbles drifting down her wet skin, sinking into the steaming water around us. I nestled her tighter to my chest, pressing a kiss to her damp curls. Our chase had ended fast, and I’d had her up on the counter promptly. I was inside her not long after, both of us climaxing quickly, in long, breathless shouts. Then, sticky from sex, she sat on my lap and Copyright 2016 - 2024