Summer Secrets - Jane Green Page 0,49

she’s never walked into a hotel room without complaining and asking for an upgrade. Let me tell you, it’s Four Seasons all the way for her. But that’s also her insecurity. Strip away the armor and she’s incredibly loyal. And strong. And a doer. She never talks about doing stuff, she just gets it done.”

“That’s good to hear. I have to be honest, she’s so pretty it completely intimidates me. And she’s been kind of … cool with me.”

“That’s Ellie. She always takes time to trust people. But once she’s won over, she’s yours for life. And it’s worth it.”

“Good to know.” I smile at her, wondering how on earth I am ever going to manage to win Ellie over, because right now it doesn’t seem like she trusts me at all.

Aidan walks in, brandishing a bottle of whiskey. “Who’ll crack open this bottle with me? Julia? Cat?”

Julia makes a face. “I hate whiskey.”

“I’m fine,” I say, because the truth is I have never particularly liked whisky either. “Although if you were talking vodka, that would be another story entirely.”

His face falls. “Well, that’s no fun. The only other person who’ll drink it is Brooks, and last time he finished the entire bottle himself.” His face lights up. “Tell you what! How about we go to Ropewalk for a drink instead?” He checks his watch. “Come on, Cat! We’ll show you a bit of what we call nightlife here on Nantucket!”

I don’t want to be the killjoy here, but I realize I am suddenly exhausted. The emotion of the day, the travel, the time difference, all of it has caught up with me, and I am so tired I can hardly speak.

“Ah, but you’re suffering from the jet lag.” Aidan’s voice is all concern. “Here, give me that cloth and I’ll finish up the drying. You go and get yourself off to bed. We’ll do the nightlife tomorrow. Maybe everyone will come to the restaurant for dinner, then we young’uns will go out after?”

“That sounds great. Thank you.” After hugging everyone good night, I walk down the path, stopping only to breathe in the night air, letting myself into the guest cottage and trying not to think of what time it must be in England right now.


I sleep the sleep of the dead. A sleep so deep that when I wake up I have absolutely no idea where I am. I lie for a while, blinking, drifting back into consciousness before remembering the events of the day before.

My family. The dinner. The laughter. The feeling of belonging. Champagne. I remember there was champagne. Oh God. It must have led to something bad, but as I lie quietly playing over the events, searching for some embarrassing thing I must have said or done, I realize there was nothing.

Shame is not here to greet me at the start of this beautiful new day.

I didn’t draw the blinds, and light is streaming through onto the bed. I sit up slightly and look down to the water, as a feeling of absolute happiness washes over me.

I have found my place in the world.

Bounding out of bed, into the shower, I brush my teeth, discard all my clothes, and resolve to go shopping today. I pull on yesterday’s jeans and a simple white T-shirt, sliding my feet into flat Indian sandals, and pull my hair into a ponytail, literally bouncing out the guest cottage and up the garden path.

* * *

“Where is everyone?” I was expecting the house to be filled, as it was last night, with people, with noise, with coffee, but it is spectacularly quiet.

Brooks, sitting at the kitchen table with a coffee, holds a hand to his lips. “All sleeping.”

“Sorry,” I whisper. “What time is it?”

“Six a.m.”

“Six a.m.!” I yelp, then apologize again. “I thought it was practically lunchtime.”

“It probably is where you come from.” He smiles. “I’m up at this time a lot. One of the problems of old age—you stop sleeping. I figure this is my peaceful time. I make myself coffee, then go for a walk.”

“Oh God! I’m so sorry!” I start to back out of the room. “I didn’t mean to disturb your peaceful time. I’ll go. Sorry.”

“Stop! I’m thrilled you’re up. I barely spoke to you last night with everyone here. How about you grab yourself a cup of coffee and come on my walk with me?” He gestures to the coffeepot on the counter, and I help myself, pouring into one of the carry cups I Copyright 2016 - 2024