A Summer to Remember - By Jessica Gunhammer Page 0,4

sure what to say to that. Was he just being nice or was he hitting on me?

“Thanks, Jesse, that’s really sweet.” I smiled even though he was trying to avoid looking at me.

“Anytime.” He forced himself to look at me for a minute and smiled.

When we pulled up to the pub to eat, the guys decided to go in and see how long it would take for us to get a table. Since it was graduation night, a lot of the restaurants were going to be packed. Jesse has a cousin who works as a hostess here so hopefully if she’s working we can get in fast.

“Okay, what the hell was all that ‘he never treated you right you could do better’ talk about?” Lily crossed her arms and waited for an answer.

“I have no idea—I was wondering that same thing. We’ve only been broken up for all of what? Two hours? And I already have his friends hitting on me? Great!” I couldn’t keep the sarcasm out of my voice and Lily couldn’t help but laugh.

“I must admit, it was cute, though.”

“Only cute because he was saying it to me and not you! I mean, he’s a really nice guy. but he’s just not my type. So if this is something you and Steven are trying to do, I’m not feeling it!” I’ve never had to worry about them trying to set me up before but they’re the type of people who would try and do it and then call it a coincidence.

“Hey, this has nothing to do with me. I’ve known you almost my whole life, I’m pretty sure I have your type figured out by now.” She crossed her arms over her chest and tried to look offended, but she knows she would actually do something like that.

“I’d sure hope so,” I joked.

“Hey! We’re in!” Jesse yelled out the door and waved us to come in.


After dinner we all jumped in a white taxi van sitting outside and headed off to our destination. As we got closer, I could hear thumping music and yelling from the swarms of people walking the street. I had no idea how this many people were going to fit in one house at one time, this was madness!

“So maybe you’ll meet a new guy tonight.” Lily leaned forward from the backseat and interrupted my train of thought.

“You can’t be serious.” I stared at her in disbelief. “Jason and I just broke up like hours ago, literally.”

“Yeah. So? It’s never too early to start looking and you know I’ve never been too fond of Jason. Plus these are mature college guys.” Lily sat back and stared out her window.

“Yeah, but they’re still guys. How much more mature can they be?” We both laughed as we passed a group of people watching two guys wrestle on someone’s front lawn.

“I’m guessing this is your destination?” The taxi driver came to a stop, I opened my door, and we all crawled out.

“Thanks, man, keep the change.” Steven handed him twenty and closed the door behind him.

I stood there in awe. I’ve never seen so many people in one place before. I couldn’t believe the police hadn’t showed up yet. It was only a little after seven and the sun was slipping behind the mountains. I had a feeling as the sun went down, things were going to get a little crazy.

As I looked around, I noticed that there wasn’t just one party, it was like a block party. There were people going in and out of houses on both sides of our destination and across the street. Almost everyone walking the streets had a red cup or two in their hands. I guess this is what it’s like to live near the college.

“Come on! Let’s go get a drink!” Lily grabbed my arm and dragged me inside the big blue house in front of us. It really was like the frat houses you see on TV, even down to the ugly floral print couch sitting on the front porch with some brunet guy and blonde girl making out on it. We walked through the door and all you could smell was liquor, beer, and weed. I looked around and the place was packed. Everyone was standing shoulder to shoulder.

“We’ll try and find us some drinks. You girls wait here,” Steven yelled over the murmur of voices. He and Jesse headed off toward the back of the house.

“Oooooh!” A bunch of guys yelled from the room

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