A Summer to Remember - By Jessica Gunhammer Page 0,33

lot to think about this week and I was glad I had Lily to talk to about it. I didn’t necessarily agree with what she had to say but it was still nice to get someone else’s opinion. We tossed our bags in the backseat. I climbed into the passenger seat and turned to put my seatbelt on.

“Oh! I almost forgot, since you distracted me with the whole moving in thing. You slept with him, didn’t you?” It wasn’t something I wanted to discuss right now after everything else we talked about today, so I just looked out the side window. “I knew it.” She also knew I wasn’t ready to talk about it, so she didn’t push it. I felt sick to my stomach and emotionally exhausted from thinking about the whole thing.

After Lily dropped me off, I went straight to the kitchen and made myself a turkey and cheese sandwich. I was as confused as ever. I had no idea what I was going to do. Deciding whether or not to move in with him and him moving away, I just felt so overwhelmed. I was just going to have to figure this out for myself and I couldn’t let Lily or anyone else’s opinions waiver my decision. After I finished eating I went up to the bathroom and jumped in the shower. Once I got dressed and got comfortable in bed, I heard a knock on the door.

“Come in.” The door opened and my mom stepped inside.

“Hey. I was just checking to see how your day was.” She came over and sat down on the bed beside me.

“It was good, Lily and I just went to the pool for a bit.” I used my towel to help dry my hair.

“That sounds like fun. How are things going with Adrian? I’m guessing since you spent the weekend there, the dinner you made went well?”

“Yeah, he really loved it. His parents don’t really cook, so he hasn’t had a homemade meal in a while.”

“Well, maybe you should have him come over here one night this week. We’d like to get to know him since it seems like you guys will be spending a lot of time together.”

“Okay, I’ll ask him. He’s usually really tired after he gets off work, so I’m not sure if he’ll be up for it. If not, maybe we can do something on the weekend?”

“Yeah, just let us know.” She patted me on the leg before she stood up and walked to the door. “I’m going to start dinner.”

“All right, I’ll be down in a bit.” She walked out the door and closed it behind her.

I’ve always been really close with both of my parents. My brother and I are also really close, which always seemed to surprise my friends who have siblings. It never occurred to me until now that if I did decide to move in with Adrian, I would have to tell my family. I didn’t think they’d be too supportive of it. I mean, I was only eighteen, almost nineteen, so technically, I could do whatever I want. But I wouldn’t want to ruin the relationship I have with them. I mean if I did move in with Adrian, it would only be for the summer.

The more I thought about it, the more I was beginning to realize what my decision was going to be. If I was be going to his house every night anyway and I would most likely be staying at his house on the weekends, it might just be easier to leave my stuff there. I wouldn’t have to stay there every night, but at least the nights I’d want to stay there I wouldn’t have the hassle of hauling things back and forth. It wouldn’t be too far from my parents, either and we could still probably come here for dinner a couple times a week.

I thought back to the night I met Adrian. The chemistry I felt with him was like nothing I’d ever felt before. Then the night at the restaurant when he told me he was leaving, I was so crushed I felt like I couldn’t even breathe. That same night I noticed when I was with Adrian, I was willing to leave my comfort zone without even realizing it. And I loved it! After being with Jason I needed this, I needed to learn that the safest route doesn’t always need to be the most traveled route, sometimes it was good to

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