A Summer to Remember - By Jessica Gunhammer Page 0,30

wanted her to know. “Oh my God,” she mouthed to me. “Adrian, would you be a doll and get Ava the number two with no pickles? We have to talk. You know, girl stuff.”

“Sure.” I gave Adrian an apologetic look but he just smiled and kissed me on the forehead. Lily pulled me into the booth closest to the door. I looked over in the direction Lily came running from and saw Steven and Jason sitting at a table. Jason, of course, was giving me dirty looks, but looked down when he saw I was looking in their direction, so I smiled and waved at Steven. He waved back.

“Were you going to tell me that Jason was here?”

“Oh screw Jason, who cares? I want all the details about you and Adrian!”

“Keep it down. I don’t need the whole place knowing anything and right here isn’t really the place to talk about it.”

“But I can’t wait. I need to know now.” Lily’s always been good at begging, but I wasn’t about to talk about anything that happened last night in a burger joint with my ex sitting five tables away. Wasn’t going to happen.

“I’m sorry but you’re going to have to wait.”

“Fine,” she pouted. “Then I’m coming over tonight so you can tell me everything.”

“Okay. Wait. I don’t know if I’ll be going home tonight.” Lily’s eyes lit up.

“Would you be staying with him again?”

“I don’t know. He didn’t really ask but he hinted at it this morning. He works all week, so I’d like to spend as much time with him as possible.”

“You totally should. Get in all you can, if you know what I mean.” She grinned and winked at me.

“Lily!” I could feel my cheeks turning red. I looked around to make sure no one around us heard what we were talking about, of course they didn’t, or at least they were pretending like they didn’t. She knew how to embarrass me and she loved to do it.

“Call me as soon as you get home, though!”

“You know I will.” She got up and went back to her table. Adrian soon filled the empty seat in front of me.

“I’m so sorry about that. She can be a little demanding sometimes.”

“It’s okay. I like her. She seems like a good friend.” He handed me a burger and fries off the tray in front of him.

“She really is.” I glanced over and waved as Lily, Steven, and Jason walked out the door. “So do you have any plans tonight?”

“Well I thought we could order some food and watch that movie we never got to watch last night.” A smile crossed his face.

“First off, we won’t be ordering food. I’ll be cooking you food.”

“You don’t have to do that. You did that last night, and judging by the way it tasted, you must have spent a lot of time making it.”

“I want to, though.” I put my hand on his. “I only get to see you on the weekends, and we only have a couple months left. I want to make sure we do things you’ll enjoy and remember.”

“After last night, I can guarantee this will be a summer I’ll remember.” I felt my cheeks turning red again. I knew I’d remember this summer forever.


I spent the remainder of the weekend at Adrian’s. We spent our days inside watching movies and playing video games and we cooked dinner together both Saturday and Sunday night. After dinner on Sunday, I decided it was time for me to go home.

“Please stay,” he begged as I grabbed my makeup bag and toothbrush out of the bathroom.

“You have to work early in the morning, or else you know I would.” I gave him a kiss as I walked into the bedroom.

“But I want you to be here when I get off work tomorrow.”

“Well I can come by when you get off.” I grabbed my clothes off the dresser and laid them on the bed to be folded.

“No, I mean I want you to be here. Every day.”

“I can come over every day, but usually you’re so tired.”

“No, I don’t think you understand.” He sat down on the bed, grabbed my hands, and pulled me between his legs. “I want you to be here every day, all day. I want to wake up to you in the morning and go to sleep with you at night.”

“You’re crazy.” I giggled nervously. I tried to pull my hands away but he gripped them a little tighter.

“I am. I’m

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