A Summer to Remember - By Jessica Gunhammer Page 0,11

summers growing up. It was funny to think out of all the summers we’d spent up here and we’d never crossed paths. We even used to jump off the same cliff!

When early morning rolled around, everyone was buzzed up and ready to call it a night. Everyone went inside but I stayed back to help Adrian clean up and put out the fire.

“Looks like it’s going to be a full moon tomorrow night.” He tossed a bucket of water onto the fire.

“I’m looking forward to it. Hopefully it’s not so cloudy.” We walked into the cabin and up the stairs to our rooms.

“Yeah, let’s hope for clear skies.” When we got to the door of my room, I got that weird first date feeling. You know, that ‘to kiss or not to kiss’ feeling. I really hoped this wasn’t going to be awkward.

“Well, amazing Ava, I guess I’ll see you in the morning.” He looked right into my eyes. I could feel goosebumps crawling up my spine. I felt as if he could see right though me. “Goodnight,” he whispered as he kissed me on the forehead and turned to walk away.

What was happening? First Jason, then Jesse, now this? I was so confused. But there was something in me that couldn’t let him go. “Wait…” I grabbed his hand and pulled him toward me.

“Hey, Adrian! Where the hell is the bathroom in this place again?” Jesse yelled as he came stumbling down the hallway.

“There’s one right down the hall to the left.” He pointed Jesse in the right direction.

“Thanks, man.” Jesse patted him on the back as he stumbled by. He didn’t even realize he’d just ruined a perfectly good first kiss moment. He turned around halfway down the hall. “You know where I am if you need me.” He pointed at me and gave his best attempt at what I think was a wink but the lazy eye from the alcohol made it hard to distinguish.

“Thanks.” I looked back at Adrian as I covered my mouth to try and mask a laugh, hoping he wasn’t reading anything into it. “Um…thanks for inviting us up here. We all had a lot of fun tonight, if you couldn’t already tell.” We laughed as we watched Jesse stumbling into the bathroom.

“I’m glad you guys are enjoying yourselves. I’ll see you in the morning.” He smiled at me with his perfect smile and went to his room a few doors down. It took everything in me to force myself to walk into my room by myself. As much as I’d like to blame it on the alcohol, I knew it was something more than that.


The next morning I was woken up by the smell of bacon seeping in from underneath the bedroom door. The nauseous feeling in my stomach let me know I was still a little tipsy from last night. I was desperate for water. I slowly worked myself up to sit on the edge of the bed. After I got my bearings, I decided to go downstairs, but as soon as I stood up, I stumbled forward. Yep, I’m still a little tipsy.

I changed out of my pajamas and threw on a swimsuit and cover up before going down the hall to the bathroom. Thank God I didn’t run into Adrian on my way there, I looked like I had just come back from the dead. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and applied my “bare minimum” makeup. I threw my hair up in a bun and headed downstairs.

“Good morning, Sunshine!” Adrian greeted me as I entered the kitchen. Everyone but Jesse was sitting around the kitchen table eating breakfast. I couldn’t believe my eyes, there was a full spread breakfast buffet right in front of me.

“Wow! Good morning. This looks amazing!” I walked around the table and admired all it had to offer, but as delicious as it looked, my stomach still wasn’t having it.

“Would you like some breakfast?” he asked with a proud grin on his face.

“I would love some but I don’t think my stomach is feeling up to it. I could use some water, though.” He grabbed a couple bottles of water out of the fridge and handed one to me with a smile, setting the rest on the table.

“You have to have some, Ava! This is probably the best breakfast I’ve ever eaten in my life.” Lily was very impressed.

“Maybe a little later.” I took a few gulps of the water Adrian handed

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