Summer in Napa - By Marina Adair Page 0,99

so she gave him a gentle kiss.

“In the case of the junior league versus the senior league, the jury finds in favor of the plaintiff.”

The mayor finished and no one spoke. They were too busy trying to figure out who the plaintiff was.

“Pricilla’s girl.” Mrs. Rose smacked the gavel. “They choose for Pricilla’s girl to cater the Summer Wine Showdown.”

“What?” Natasha snapped, looking at Isabel and her league. “There is no way she won. You said I had this in the bag.”

“Yes, well, this town likes their food like they like their girls,” ChiChi said proudly. “Homegrown and good-natured.”

“I was born here. I’m homegrown,” Natasha argued, crossing her arms under her chest.

“Not all your parts, dear,” Pricilla said with sweet smile.

Before Natasha could respond, the courthouse doors blew open, bringing in hell with a cane.

“Overruled!” Charles Baudouin yelled, raising his cane in the air and waving it angrily.

Marc barely ducked out of the way. The man might be old as dirt, but he still had a lethal swing. He also had terrible timing. Just a moment ago Lexi had been so excited, so proud of what she had accomplished. And now she just looked confused—and sad.

“You don’t get to overrule a verdict,” Mrs. Rose said, standing up before Marc had the chance to tell the man to get the hell out—in the most respectful way possible, of course. “You’ve got to be wearing a robe to do that. And I’m the only one here wearing a robe!”

“Then I’m requesting a change of venue.”

“Enough,” Marc said, approaching the old man and grabbing his cane before he started swinging again. “Whatever your beef is with my family, it has nothing to do with today. Lexi won on her own merit—”

“I don’t care about the caterer.” Charles looked as confused as Marc felt. “I’m demanding a change of venue for the Showdown.”

“On what grounds?” Marc snapped.

“On account of the fact that your family has botched this thing up at every turn. And you may have saved the food, but from where I’m sitting, you’re still one person shy of a tribunal.”

“Have you met my friend Tanner?” Marc asked with a smile. Tanner waved. “Local hero and former NFL superstar.”

“Look at you grinning like you’ve already won. You’re just like your grandfather, so full of sh—”

“Charlie,” ChiChi scolded, and the man’s face immediately reddened. “There are ladies present. And that is my grandson you are speaking to.”

Charles took off his hat and covered his heart with it. “Sorry about that, Chiara. I let my mouth run away with me.”

“Well, it’s not the first time.” ChiChi walked over to Charlie and rested a pudgy hand on his arm. The man who just a second ago had been all piss and bluster was now blushing like a schoolboy. “And sadly, I don’t think you’re ready for it to be the last. When you are, let me know.” And after a congratulatory kiss to Lexi’s cheek, ChiChi left, looking much older than she had when she’d entered.

Charles watched her leave and then mumbled a few choice words, too low for Marc, or the ladies, to make out, but his emotion was clear. He was watching the woman he loved walk out—again. Only this time he wasn’t losing her to someone else. He’d lost her all on his own.

Lexi stood in her apartment kitchen wearing her purple apron, peekaboo shoes, and nothing else. The sun was slowly creeping across the valley floor, and Main Street had yet to wake. But Lexi was awake; she had never actually fallen asleep.

After last night’s win, Marc and his family had taken Pricilla and Lexi out for a celebratory drink. She’d forgotten how great it felt to be a part of people’s lives. Back in New York, she’d been so busy trying to keep the restaurant afloat and her marriage intact she had lost touch with all of her friends from culinary school. But here, back in St. Helena, she felt like she had connections, roots. She felt like she belonged.

After drinks, they’d picked up Wingman and come back to the apartment, where Marc had slowly peeled her clothes off and made love to her—all night. Sometime between washing each other’s backs—and fronts—in the claw-footed bathtub and making out on the couch while watching late-night television, Lexi had realized that she was in love with Marc, in every way possible. She wasn’t sure if he was in love with her, but she had no doubt that he cared deeply for her. It Copyright 2016 - 2024