The Summer I Became a Nerd - By Leah Rae Miller Page 0,82

They’re getting some of the profits from today. Did you even read the flier you were supposed to have put up all over town?” I ask.

“The college radio station? As in ‘Awesome Logan’s Show of Awesome’? Oh my God, I love him. I listen to his show every night. I call in all the time. Is he going to be here?”

“He’s here already.” I grin at Terra. “In fact, there he is.” I point at Logan sitting at station’s table into front of the comic shop.

After realizing Capri is actually Rayann, Terra and I knew it was only a matter of time before she found out she had a crush on a nerd, but this is better than any reveal we could’ve come up with. Rayann frowns and tilts her head to the side like a confused poodle. “Isn’t that… Wait, A.L. is Logan Scott? The porn shirt guy? I can’t believe I actually asked him for his number. Yuck.”

Logan spots us. I smile at him, and he waves back.

Her confused poodle-face turns to me. “Wait, are you… You’re Wonderful Wendy?”


“But… He’s such a nerd. Everyone knows it. I mean, you can’t go to prom with…with…that!” She raises her voice a little too high, and the rest of the squad turns their heads to watch.

She sits on one of the coolers, apparently too stunned by my treachery to stand. I glare at her, my hand crushing the almost empty water bottle I’m holding. “You know what, Rayann? I don’t give a rat’s ass what you think. Or what anyone thinks, for that matter. You don’t know him, and you definitely don’t know me. He’s the sweetest, most considerate guy ever. And if he wants to wear that ‘porn shirt’—which by the way is Power Girl drawn by Adam Hughes and it’s a freaking work of art—and his old sneakers to prom, I’d be proud to go with him. So, you can take your shallow self back to the pirate ship and leave us alone.”

Not only is the squad watching, but a lot of other people are, too. What’s awesome is that I don’t even have the urge to run away and hide. I throw my shoulders back and don’t break eye contact with Rayann. There’s a snicker behind me I quickly recognize as Terra’s. That one is followed by a couple more. I turn, preparing myself to lay into them, too, but they’re not laughing at me. They’re focused on Rayann.

Rayann opens and closes her mouth a few times in shock. It’s an excellent impersonation of Mr. Whiskers. “Pirate ship? What are you… Ugh. Whatever! If you want to commit social suicide, be my guest.” She throws her arms in the air and stomps off.

Dan stops her before she gets too far and tries to sell her a T-shirt. “Come on, Capri. It’s for a good cause.”

She just slaps the shirt out of his hand and keeps walking.

He turns to me and grins. “What did I say?”

The festival is a success. In fact, it exceeds my expectations. Next year, we’re definitely going to need more room.

Unfortunately, the squad couldn’t do a pyramid for Vera during our last performance because Rayann decided to leave. I’d like to think this whole thing might’ve taught her a lesson, or at least, given her something to think about, but I’m not holding my breath.

Dan and Jonah did a great job of selling the T-shirts and fan spritzers. They set up in the library parking lot so they were the first booth people came across. Surprisingly, Dan went above and beyond when it came to hocking his merchandise.

“Stay cool and help the school, get your water gun fans here!”

“All T-shirt proceeds go to charity. Show your friends how philanthropic you are! And maybe even get a tax break!”

Mom and Dad showed up later. Dad got some back issues of comics he used to read, and Mom bought a new rocking chair from the carpenter’s booth.

Even Tommy, a.k.a. Sorenson, showed up in costume to sell college students on the greatness of LARP of Ages. Martha made a ton of money off the theater crowd, especially the improv troop.

All day the college station’s broadcast has been piped out over our little shindig. So, when Logan pulls his mom over for a live interview toward the end of the festival, my ears perk up to listen.

“So, Martha, this festival has been awesome. What do you think?”

“I agree. We’ve worked really hard to make it great so this is Copyright 2016 - 2024