Summer Breeze Kisses - Addison Moore Page 0,445

in disbelief, twin expansive emeralds. Lex has never appreciated a good surprise, and for that alone I’m walking on eggshells.

“Asked Marlin for your hand in marriage.”

Her mouth opens wide in a perfect O, and about a dozen perverse thoughts run through my mind—and then one pathetic one. I still haven’t proposed.

“So what do you say?” My muscles tense, my body breaks out into hot bites of sweat. “You—me? A tuxedo and a wedding gown?”

Her left eye comes shy of winking. I can tell she’s eating this up. “Is this a proposal or a costume roll call?”

I casually move us back toward the arch dripping with baby pink roses and pretend to trip, landing carefully on one knee. I look up at Lex, the roses enwreathing her from above, and for a moment I’m speechless. And then I remember my purpose in life and pull that ring out of my pocket that I’ve been saving for six long years.

“I believe this belongs to you.” I hold it between us. “Alexa Ximena Maxfield—I would be honored to spend my life with you. I will love you more than any man could ever imagine. I promise to worship you and be the best father to our children. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Lex takes in a never-ending breath, her fingers lightly covering her mouth.

“Oh my God!” a shrill female voice screams from our left, and we look over to see both Low and Levi standing there, stunned, with a photographer positioned behind them snapping a picture of us of all people. “Well?” Low jumps over and smacks Lex with her bouquet, and it rains pink petals all over Lex’s beautiful feet. “Get to it, sister!”

Lex looks back to me and gives a circular nod, tears glossing her eyes. “Yes!”

“Yes?” My heart thumps back to life, and I rise to my feet to meet her.

“Hell yes.” She wraps her arms around me so tight it feels as if she’s about to slip right through me.

“Hell yes!” I pick her up and spin her as the crowd screams and howls in our honor.

Lex smashes a dozen kisses over my face before pulling back. “Make it small and quick before I change my mind.” She gives a little wink.

Low jumps in. “No way! Not until I get back from my honeymoon. This is one wedding I’m not going to miss.”

“Fine,” Lex says without taking her sparkling eyes off mine. The joy she’s exuding is palpable. “Strudel will be the ring bearer.”

“Done,” I say before landing my lips to hers—to my fiancée’s. Lex and I kiss through the next six songs as the reception rages around us. Low leaned in and whispered that we couldn’t have given her and Levi a better wedding gift—but asked us politely not to beat them to the fun part of the night right here on the dance floor. I think that was code for get a room.

At the end of the night, not long after Low and Levi take off for Key Largo, Lex and I take off, each with a piña colada in hand, and we head out into the night—as serendipity would have it, getting caught in the rain.

We make love at midnight—long after midnight, until we greet the sun.

Lex is the love that I’ve looked for all my life, and now that I have her in my heart again, in my bed, there is no escape.

Lex is mine, and I am hers—forever.

*Need more Hollow Brook Kisses? Read Raven and Brody’s story NOW! Dirty Deeds (3:AM Kisses, Hollow Brook 3)

Dirty Deeds (Preview)

Addison Moore

Broke and Hitched


“JUDAS PRIEST!” I howl at the top of my lungs until my throat burns from the effort. The tiny dots on the ceiling spin like stars as the pain envelops me, bone deep.

“Cheese and rice!” Lex shrills so loud my eardrums sear, threatening to bleed, and oddly it distracts from the bodily devastation occurring to me at the moment.

“You heartless witch!” I howl over at her. Lex lies next to me on a massage table, much like my own, in the buff and beautifully bronzed, her wild red hair spraying around her head as if she were electrocuted. She’s an exotic beauty, but at this moment her beauty betrays her and clues the rest of the world in on her insanity as well. “Let’s do some female bonding, my ass!” And, oh my sweet goodness, does my ass ever sting like a mother.

The beady-eyed clinician staring at me from between my Copyright 2016 - 2024