Summer Breeze Kisses - Addison Moore Page 0,443

a couple of women walking by. Marlin is a player from what I can remember. I heard there was a short marriage thrown in there between now and the last relationship Lex and I had. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to dump him, seeing that he’s so easy to get along with.

We growl at one another for a few moments before he shakes his head at me. “You got it. You can have my sister’s hand in marriage under one circumstance.”

“What’s that?”

“You make a better point of getting to know Serena and me, too. We’re a package deal. Part of the reason I wasn’t a fan the first time around was the secrecy. Dude, you dated my sister a year before I knew you existed. If you’re going to be family, you better start acting like it.”

“I will. I swear I will.” A rush of relief fills me. “In fact, Lex and I will happily host Sunday dinners. We’ll have the entire clan over. I know how Lex feels about the Knights, too.”

He grunts, “Good.” He stands, and I do the same. “I’ll get cracking on this nutcase.” He snaps the paper off the table. “And I’ll wait for Lex to tell me the good news.” He glares at me a moment before breaking out into a genuine smile—a pained smile, but nonetheless. He wraps an arm around me and offers a quick jostle. “And if she says yes, welcome to the family, kid. I won’t make you regret it too much. Lex is a prize.” He gives a wistful shake of the head. “Let’s hope she feels the same about you.”

“Let’s hope indeed.”

The Sloppy Pelican is pumping tonight—and the banquet room is also brimming with guests. Lex looks beautiful in her lace floral gown. Something I probably won’t see her donning again anytime soon, but it’s a shame—Lex is a stunner in it. We walk arm in arm down the aisle and watch as Low and Levi become husband and wife while Raven looses it on the sidelines.

Once Levi and Low speed back down the aisle as Mr. and Mrs. Masterson, the room explodes in celebratory howls.

Raven boo-hoos as if she were at Low’s funeral. But Lex is right there smacking her over the arm and telling her to get over it before she throws her arms around me.

“Looks like we survived.” Lex lifts a cheek as if the entire event were annoying, and I can’t help but laugh. “What? I had ten bucks that you’d lock your knees and pass out.”

“All right.” I give her thigh a quick pinch. “You’re a riot. You know who didn’t survive?” I glance to an inconsolable Raven sobbing into her floral bouquet. “She could probably use a friend.” I lean in. “One that doesn’t use the words get over it?”

Lex snarls a moment before sagging into me. “I’ll be right back.” She takes off in Raven’s direction, and before I know it, they’re locked in an embrace with Lex whispering soothing words—one can only hope—into Raven’s ear.

A hand slaps over my shoulder, and I turn to find Brody looking every bit the lady-killer. “Looks like things are looking up for you. Everything good with you and Lex?”

“Everything’s great. Lex and I are right on track. In fact”—I pull him in by the elbow—“I’m gunning for a wedding of my own. And if everything goes well, that will happen soon.”

“No kidding?” Brody hops back on one leg, that brimming grin widening on his face. “That’s great. I’m sure it will all work out for you.” He folds his arms across his chest and looks out at the crowd with a sober expression. I’ve known Brody long enough to realize something’s getting to him.

“What’s the long face for?”

“Nah—it’s nothing.” He scratches the back of his head. “It’s just that the other night you mentioned something about me being the forever bachelor. I don’t know. Something about it got to me.”

“You thinking about slowing your roll?” I give him a mock sock. “Afraid your junk will fall off?”

“A little of both.”

“You have your sight set on anyone yet? Or should I put out a general warning, letting the girls of Hollow Brook know it’s time to duck and cover?”

“You’re not funny.” He scans the crowd as if he’s looking for someone. “Anyway, I’m good. I’m sure whatever is meant to be will work out in the end.”

“Good.” I slap my hand over his shoulder as if bringing him back into the room with Copyright 2016 - 2024