Summer Breeze Kisses - Addison Moore Page 0,319

enough to scratch an itch. Serena is special. The best part of all is that I care about her. I deeply, deeply do.

I have one week to back out and spare us any more pain that might come out of this. One week to talk myself out of it.

Worst-case scenario, I do just that.

Best-case scenario, I punish the hell out of her while she pistol-whips me with that glorious body.

Friday can’t get here soon enough.

Drop-Dead Delicious


Days drag on like a body through a marsh. It’s never been more excruciating trying to make it to the weekend. I went to class on Monday and sat mesmerized by Shep’s every move, hung onto his every word. It’s a wonder I’ve spent so much of my time pretending to dismiss everything he has to say. If anything, that was a telltale sign of my budding insanity for him. After he ditched my fourteen-year-old self and shredded my ego, I vowed that Shepherd Collins would never get the best of me again. Boy, am I ever sorry I went there. First of all, I abhor breaking promises to myself. Secondly, I should have heeded Emilia’s second kernel of advice all those years ago. Sure, she told me to all but brush it off—but, after that, she suggested that Shep probably didn’t want to kiss me because I was far too beautiful and he might accidentally fall in love. She went as far as suggesting I forgive him and play nice, that he’d come around eventually. And was she ever right—about the coming around part—not quite the part about falling in love. But I didn’t exactly heed the rest of her advice and forgive him. I’ve always been a zero to hero kind of a girl. Get me mad and I’m furious in less than a second flat. Show me a puppy and I’m cooing away in tears before I can take my next breath. I blame my fiery Irish genes for my hasty hormonal tendencies.

I step into Hallowed Grounds and take in the thick scent of fresh roasted beans. The aroma of coffee is so lush and rich I want to dive into one of those overgrown silos behind the counter and immerse myself in their mocha java goodness. Lex texted this morning and asked me to meet her here this afternoon. It’s merely Wednesday—Wednesday. A slow drip of a day itself. It’s dizzying to understand that I once thought time was set on fast-forward. Not anymore. If it gets any slower, we will literally be going back in time. It’s incomprehensible to understand that the more I will time to move along, the slower it slogs on just to spite me. Further proof the universe is out to get me.

I pick up an iced caramel latte before giving the place a quick scan. Lex is rarely early, but my eyes snag on a cackling foursome in the back and I’m surprised to see Lex seated with Harley, Teagan, and Colby.

I head over in stealth mode, completely incensed that the four of them are having a good time without me. I swear, if that laugh they shared was on my behalf, I will not in any way be amused. I’ve been called a poor sport before, but only when it’s true.

Colby and Teagan are seated across from my sister and Harley, and judging by their agog expressions, they’re riveted by whatever it is Harley is telling them. My God, she had better not be regaling my emotionally unstable sister with tales from the dark side of Anonymous.

Harley leans in and scoffs. “Honestly, I think his dog might be just as sexy as he is.”

I suck in a quick breath. “Clearly, I have run in on the back end of this conversation.”

The four of them look up, and I’m met with a riot of cheery greetings.

Lex stands and offers a firm hug, her lips edging to my ear as she whispers, “I’m not angry with you.”

“Good.” I pull back and steady my gaze over her stony expression.

“I’m livid,” she flatlines.

“Great.” I try to take a seat next to Colby, but she and Teagan jump up as if every barista in the place just caught fire and threatened to hug them.

“We’d love to stay”—Colby shakes out her blonde curls—“but football practice starts in ten minutes.”

Teagan grimaces as if her bestie just spewed a lie, and I’m betting she’s about to join the half-truth marathon. “It’s going to be hot out there. Someone needs to make sure Copyright 2016 - 2024