Summer Breeze Kisses - Addison Moore Page 0,266

angry, too, and I can’t say I blame him.

“That’s it.” Serena shrugs. “Oh my God, I’m not going to get fired, am I?” Her voice pitches in that little girl way it’s prone to.

I’ve known Serena for years, watched her grow from a cranky little kid to a mouthy young woman. Okay, that might be a little harsh. Serena can be a bit too much to handle, which is usually why I repel from her on a regular basis. I don’t like drama, pure and simple. But on a night like tonight, I feel the need to protect her. Serena is young, beautiful—that wild red mane and glowing green eyes are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to her beauty. She’s smart as a whip as evidenced by her scholarship to WB. And she’s alone on this end of town. I should be here for her.

“You’re not getting fired,” Bryson is quick to contest. “God no. But take the rest of the week off if you want. Take as much time as you need. No one should ever have to see what you did.”

“Serena,” one of the cops to our left barks out, and we look over to find Marlin, Serena’s older brother. In a flash, she bolts past me and into his arms. For a brief second I’m a bit forlorn. It felt good to be a shining white knight if only for a moment.

Bryson and I take a few steps closer to the bright yellow caution tape sectioning off the area. “Tell me again what happened.” He shakes his head at the body as the cops do their thing, swarming around the vicinity like moths to a deadly flame.

“I followed Serena down the hall. She asked me to help take out the trash, and I watched as she struggled with the gate. Just as I was about to help, it flew open and we both saw him at the same time. He was on his side. I thought it was just some vagrant, some drunk customer who was trying to sleep off a bender so I asked if he was all right and tried to shake him out of it. I rolled him onto his back and the rest is history.”

“I heard Serena screaming something at you when I came out. Did she say she knew him?”

I take a deep breath of Hollow Brook night air. I’ve long since become immune to the sour stench coming from the dumpster. “She said something about bumping into him earlier this evening. She kept referring to him as Dirty Boy. I didn’t get it. From what I gathered she had an unpleasant run-in with him when she arrived tonight and that was it. Something about bumping her lips to his neck. Then much later, she came out and saw something she will most likely never forget.” Neither of us will. The only other dead body I had ever seen was my sister, and I quickly usher all thoughts of my sweet sister out of my mind. She’s too sacred, too special to be mulling over next to a dumpster.

A couple of police officers step in. One asks to see the security footage, and Bryson takes off with him inside. The other takes copious notes while I give him my statement.

“I wish I could be of more help, but that’s all I’ve got.” I give him my card, the one that reads Collins and Associates at Law, and feel like an ass, like some ambulance chaser. And, believe me, I’m the farthest thing from it. I handle business law, real estate, mom and pop stores that need a helping hand. Hell, I’ve dabbled in corporate law, but homicide isn’t anywhere near my forte.

“Not a problem. I’m sure we’ll be in touch.” He takes off, and I spot Serena and Marlin near the back door so I head on over.

“Dude.” Marlin gives my arm a quick pat. “You okay?”

“I’m fine.” I look to Serena. “And you?”

“Well, I’m just fine and dandy, too.” Her eyes burn like fire as she leans in and seethes, “Is this the part where I’m supposed to fake my feelings just to keep up with you? Well, I’m not. Someone was murdered right here in Hollow Brook, and I’m the one who found the body! I feel like crap. So, if you’ll both excuse me, I’m going to collect my things.” She looks to her brother. “I’ll be right out so you can give me a Copyright 2016 - 2024