Summer Breeze Kisses - Addison Moore Page 0,227

a specimen.” I give a partial nod, waiting for her to cop to it. “Coming to grips with the situation?”

Harper cocks her head up at me, her forehead wrinkled with confusion. Then as quick as the confusion set in, she straightens. “Oh crap!” She bounces back a good foot and I catch a glimpse between her thighs. No underwear. I’m grinning from ear-to-ear on the inside, but I don’t dare give it. “Are you asking if I?” Her mouth opens as she studies me, and just like that, her face contorts from shock to horror. “You know!” She swats me with a pillow before burying her face in her palms. “Who told you?” She looks up slowly, her hands pulling down the skin under her eyes giving her a scary demonic look but still hot as hell. There is not a thing this girl can do to escape her beauty. “Lucky?” Her eyes grow the size of hardboiled eggs. “LAWSON!” She drops her face back into her hands a moment before resurfacing with a newfound fury. “That’s it. I’m excommunicating him as my official big bro. He just broke a sibling code of conduct that although unstated goes without saying. Yes”—she snaps just inches from my face—“I was giving myself a low five—a hand solo, testing my batteries, Jilling off, enjoying a happy ending to a story I didn’t read, enjoying the safest sex possible!” She pulls the pillow over her face and gives a groan of frustration. Harper looks up at me, her eyes red and watery, her face piqued with color. “Dare. Take off your clothes.”

A smile tugs on my lips because I’m pretty sure she skidded right by the rules of the game. Here we go. “What for?” I have a feeling playing hard to get will only set her off, but here’s hoping it sets her off in the right direction.

“Turnabout is fair play. You saw my bits and pieces. I think it’s only fair I get to see yours.”

“You strategically held your hands over your bits and pieces, but—” I stand and slowly unbutton my shirt, yank my tie off before discarding both behind me. I unbutton my jeans and pause. “Seeing that I’m a good sport…”

Harper jumps up so fast, Fish flies between us like a bullet as if a war were readying to break out, and it just might be.

My fingers work open my zipper.

“You would!” she barks as if I were about to accost her.

“That’s because you just dared me, sweetheart.” I jump out of my jeans and boxers all at once, and it takes less than three seconds for me to dance out of every last stitch of clothing.

“You’re naked!” she gasps with her hands clapped over her face.

My eyes ride down that white T-shirt of mine she’s wearing, testing the fabric at the chest, and my mouth begins to water. “Whatever happened to turnabout is fair play?”

“Ugh!” she grunts so loud it echoes off the walls. “Is that a dare?” Her left brow hikes into her forehead, and she looks like a sexed-up doll posturing in my living room.


Harper touches the hem of the shirt she’s wearing slowly before inching it up like a tease, high, ever so much higher until it is indeed confirmed that the panties were not necessary. Then in one quick maneuver she hurls my T-shirt back at me like a punishment.

She strides forward with that perfectly bronzed body, her chest high and full, calling to me like candy. “Go ahead”—she runs her cool fingers over my cheek—“take it all in.” Her head cocks to the side. “Truth or dare—you told Ryder you couldn’t stand me. That this entire fake relationship was nothing more than our little plot for revenge.”

“True.” I swallow hard, my body thumps to life as I graze her thigh. A deep sigh expels from me. “But I lied.” There. If I’m going to admit things to myself, I may as well admit them to her too. “Yes. I told him those things, but only because he’s not my shrink. He’s my client and I didn’t want to muddy up the waters. What I really wanted to say was—”

Her finger lands to my lips. Harper’s chest is pounding so fast I’m half-afraid she’s going to pass out at my feet.

“You don’t have to answer that.” Her breathing picks up to atomic pace, and I wrap my arm around her. Her sweet body touch down over my chest, and I close my eyes a Copyright 2016 - 2024