Summer Breeze Kisses - Addison Moore Page 0,225

know you want to!

It takes a few seconds for me to decode the graphic verbiage Lucky has set before me. Crap! I toss my phone back onto my jeans and sink into the tub a little. As if. I’m not big on that whole Jilling off thing. I mean, wasn’t that the point of having a serious relationship? Even if it was one-sided. Bastard.

I shoo all thoughts of Justin out of my mind and in pops Knox without warning. My hand glides over my thigh like a reflex, and I can practically see Sylvia waving it in like an airline traffic controller. Damn pervert. But it’s Knox who has my full attention. That muscular chest of his, the definition is mindboggling, really. My hand slips between my legs and I don’t stop it. He almost looks as if he belongs in one of those fitness magazines with all the oiled up, tan beefcakes that strut the catwalk flexing and straining their neck muscles trying to impress the masses.

My fingers find a home over that swollen part of me that’s ready to detonate, and I follow the friendly advice that Lucky gave. Much to Sylvia’s delight, I Jill off, all the while envisioning my limbs wrapped around a very naked Knox Toberman. I see his face behind my lids, and just like that, I tremble to a body-jolting conclusion. Sylvia and I exchange a hearty high five for something that was long in coming—namely me.

Slowly, I blink to life once I catch my breath and assess the sad state of my being. Not only did I show up with a suitcase, but I barreled right into his bathroom and gifted myself a fit of ecstasy. God, I’m some sort of perverted barbarian. I’ve gone from revenge-filled ex-girlfriend of one boy—to a masturbating stalker of another one in a single summer.

I sink under the water line a moment just as Knox gives a brisk knock over the door. “Pizza’s done!”

Great. I reemerge and hook my toe over the drain stop in haste. How many more ways can I possibly humiliate myself tonight?

“I’ve got a T-shirt you can borrow,” he shouts. “You know, keep yourself fresh.”

I roll my eyes. “Sounds good!” That is, if you want the Pointer Sisters staring at you all night. The only possible way I can keep things fresh is to eschew everything else I’ve got.

A thought comes to me. I think I’ve just discovered how to one-up myself in the humiliation department, and shockingly, every last part of me says go for it.

“I’ll be right there!” I shout with glee as I get out of the warm tub only to meet with the brisk cool breeze. I tiptoe across the bathroom floor in haste, and without giving it a second rational, perhaps much-needed thought, I swing the door wide open.

Knox drops his gaze up and down my body like an elevator stuck on a loop.

That conversation I had with Laney comes back to me like a slap in the face.

What the hell am I doing? This isn’t me. I don’t ambush men by moving into their rental houses, Jilling off in their bathtubs, and demanding they see me naked. What’s next for God’s sake? Falling down and applying a little lipstick?

Just like that, I wake from my stupor and one hand reflexively covers my boobs while the other claps over the Amazon rainforest I’m sporting below. As if to add insult to humiliating injury, I’ve actually exposed him to the fact I have a proficient amount of bush that has never been whacked. I’m pretty sure girls these days are supposed to look suspiciously hairless, and here I’m blatantly showing off the fact I’ve hit puberty.

Fish comes up and wraps himself around Knox’s leg before circling back and gawking up at me. His eyes grow large and his little cat jaw falls open.

Great. Not only have I horrified Knox, I’ve also shocked the hell out of his poor little cat.

“Here’s the shirt.” Knox holds it out and I snatch it before doing an awkward dance and slamming the door shut between us.

Kill me.



Harper Shelton just stopped my beating heart. She has for several reasons as of late with that kiss, her warm laugh, her obsession with pie that rivals my own—but that body I was just exposed to has sent my adrenaline skyrocketing, my body anxious to have her. The obvious fact I’m left to contend with is that I am in trouble around this girl.

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