Summer Breeze Kisses - Addison Moore Page 0,216

brutal. I’m glad it’s behind me.” Is it behind me? In a strange way, it feels like it is.

“And what about Janelle?” He tips his head. “Does any part of you wish you were still together?”

“No,” I spit it out quickly like venom. “She’s in the rearview mirror and I’m not looking back. I want no part of that insanity.”

“What about that kiss you and Harper shared?” He leans in as if this just gets better, and in a way it does. “Do you think there’s something there?”

I think on it a moment. “I don’t know.” I’d better not pour my broken heart over the table. The dude is just being nice. He didn’t sign up for a psychiatry session. “No, we’re just friends.” Ryder may as well be my boss. I’m pretty sure drawing a line in the sand is a good idea. “Harper’s actually my partner at the realty center. She’ll be helping us find you a new home come next week. This whole thing we got going is just a ploy to get back at our exes. We really can’t stand one another.” Okay, so I may have taken it too far.

Ryder scans me as if looking for traces of bull. “I hear you.” He gets up and gives my hand a firm shake. “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”

“Will do.” I watch as he takes off, and that question he tossed out comes storming to the forefront of my brain.

Is there something between Harper and me? Could there be?

Before I can give it any serious thought, Rush comes in with someone unfamiliar, along with Eli holding up the rear.

“What’s up, dude?” Rush slaps me five as the three of them take a seat. “This is Seth, my soon-to-be brother in-law, or something like that. My brother and his sister are engaged.”

“Nice. The more family the merrier.” I mean that. I actually appreciate my stepsiblings.

Laney comes by and we put in our orders. While Eli and Seth talk basketball, Rush takes the opportunity to lean in. “So, what’s up with you and Shelton?” he whispers for my ears only.

“Nothing’s up.”

Rush leans back with that preppy swagger of his. He’s donned his signature polo, his best jeans, and I can tell he didn’t just come to the Black Bear to hang out with the boys. Rush has serious game when it comes to the girls and he’s not in it to lose. I don’t think I’ve met anyone who’s bedded more chicks than Rushford Knight and not had their pecker fall off. He’s essentially every father’s and brother’s worst nightmare.

“I don’t believe you. Want to know why?” He pulls out his phone and there I am in bed, shirtless with a very hot as hell Harper Shelton exuding lust for the camera.

“It’s all a show.”

“A damn convincing show.”

A crowd comes in behind him, Lucky and Lawson, Ava and Grant, and they pull up seats at the table.

Rush leans in, that greedy grin expanding on his face. “You were looking for her.”

“So what if I was.”

“Dude, I could see the disappointment on your face when she didn’t show.” He smacks me over the arm. “You’re getting in too deep. You either want her or you don’t. Figure it out.”

“Figure it out.” I glance down to the other end of the table where Lawson has his arm draped around Lucky, Grant has assumed the same position with Ava. Maybe I just miss that? The casual nature of having someone by your side. I glance around the bar, trying to picture myself with any one of these girls, the blondes, the redheads, the laughing brunettes, and yet each time I envision myself with them, their faces slowly morph into Harper’s.

I spend the next hour drifting in and out of the conversation at hand—my mind, my heart, and my entire body drifting back to that girl with those incredible kisses, Harper Shelton. And then it hits me like a pickax through the forehead.

Hell yes, I want her.

A dull smile comes to my lips.

Who the hell wouldn’t want Harper Shelton?

Hearts Aquiver


The last three nights in a row are spent in a fetal position in a wingback chair facing the fireplace. Spending the night in the commons room is strictly forbidden, and anyone noticeably trying to catch eight hours of z’s on the sofas will be cited within an inch of their academic lives, so I opted for the less noticeable furniture in hopes to drift into a seamless slumber. Comfortable it was not. It Copyright 2016 - 2024