Summer Breeze Kisses - Addison Moore Page 0,161

take it?” She spreads her palms wide over my chest, and I growl in response to the feel-good sensation.

“It’s always touch when it comes to you and me.”

“So?” She straddles my hips on either side. “You up for round two?” Her finger glides down my chest.

I suck in a hard breath through my teeth. “How about we take a shower and go out and shoot for a while? I want to give you a little break.” My lips find hers and indulge in a lazy kiss. “But not a long a break.”

“Okay to the shower.” She wrinkles her nose, pulling me off the bed and toward the bathroom. “But we’re not taking a break. At least not you.”

Scarlett runs the water and strips off her shirt. Her perfect body glows incandescent in the early morning light. I help her step into the shower, and we let the water rinse off the night’s sweat, the ripe scent of one another’s bodies. Scarlett’s mouth covers mine with an aching hot kiss that I drink down to the dregs as we try to make it last forever. I take my time shampooing her hair, running my tongue over her neck. I don’t know how I lived without Scarlett Kent in my life or why it took so long to appreciate how amazing she is. One thing I know for sure is, we are never going back to that desolate place. From here on out, it’s Scarlett and me, together for all time. I don’t see a future without her. I don’t see my next breath without her by my side.

The Black Bear has felt like a second home ever since I landed at Whitney Briggs. It’s a place I hang out at with Jet and Owen, and Cade now that I know him better. It’s a place where the team comes to chill after a game and hook up with both cheerleaders and sorority girls alike. But mostly it’s been a place where I’ve spent the last year eyeing the daughter of the man my mother was dating, wondering why in the hell fate twisted its crooked finger and took Scarlett off the short list of girls I wanted to land by my side. There was no way in hell I ever thought we could work after the forced family our parents tried to shove us into. But tonight, everything between Scarlett and me will officially be out in the open. After four blissful days of playing honeymoon up at the cabin, we’ve decided to let our friends in on the fact they’d better get used to seeing us together because we’re not going anywhere. Scarlett said she’d meet me here with her friends, which is a typical Friday night for them so no one will suspect anything unusual.

“Dude”—Jet slaps me five as I meet him and Owen at our usual table—“you’ve been a ghost. I was starting to think the worst.”

“Oh, yeah? What’s that?” I slap Owen five before taking a seat.

“I thought some chick had you tied up with her ponytail, making you live off popcorn and pink parts.”

“You’re sick.” I wad up a napkin and toss it at him.

Cade comes over with a round of beers and takes a seat at the table. “So, where are the girls?”

“Jet scared them all away.” I kick his foot out from underneath him. “But they’ll be back. Scarlett says they’re almost here.”

Owen straightens a moment. “Scarlett says? I thought you couldn’t stand that chick?”

“I can stand her.” And sit her and spin her. A goofy grin takes over, and I don’t bother to stop it.

“That’s where you were.” Jet nods like the know-it-all he is. “So, is she good?” That chiding look lets me know he’s just trying to crawl under my skin.

“As good as your mother.”

Jet pulls his fist up and grunts out a smile. “Dude, you are lucky that I like you.”

Owen shakes his head. “He’s not lucky. He just slept with the girl who’s about to become his stepsister. In the event you need the Cliff notes, this doesn’t end well.”

“Why doesn’t it end well?” I suck the foam off my beer in one easy swoop.

Cade groans as if the idea alone pained him. “You’re too close to the wall. Back up and you’ll see the writing. Once your parents tie the knot, you can’t escape her. This is a lifetime of seeing one another. And if it ends badly, it’s a life sentence you can’t get out of. There Copyright 2016 - 2024