Summer Breeze Kisses - Addison Moore Page 0,157

bedroom. A part of me does a quick sweep of the vicinity for velvet ropes and a well-dressed docent ready to lead us through the rest of the Toberman exhibit. For the life of me, I can’t envision getting down and dirty on the bed Lynette once soiled with her husband. I’m pretty sure this room is a no-go.

“Not here,” Rex says as if reading my mind and leads me down the hall. He swoops in and picks me up off my feet, leading me into another oversized room. Although markedly smaller than the Taj, it has a sweeping view of the lake that expands forever.

“In here?” I ask, perpetuating our secret Morse code for love shack.

“This would be the place.” Rex lands me on a queen-sized bed with its bulky patchwork quilt and a mattress that feels as if it were made to mold to the shape of our bodies.

“Oh, this is heaven. I could fall asleep right now. I’ve never felt a bed so comfortable in all my life.”

“You could totally sleep.” Rex holds up a hand as if conceding to the idea that some shut-eye might in fact take place.

“And I will.” I bite back a smile. “In approximately three days, when you wear me out.”

“Three days? Try a solid week.” Rex takes a playful bite from the side of my neck. “Thank you.”

“Thank you for what?”

“For being so sweet and beautiful.” The moment grows serious. “I meant it about the new bow. It’s yours. Hope you like it.”

“So, that wasn’t just a lure to get me to the lake?”

Rex growls as he runs a soft line down my chest. “You’re the lure. You got me hook, line, and sinker.”

“I like that.” My face catches fire, and for a moment, I’m convinced I see flames. “I have a confession. You had me hook, line, and sinker as far back as last summer. Remember that Chinese place in Jepson? The big intro where our parents brought us together for the very first time?” He gives a somber nod. “I knew that day I would never be able to get you out of my head. But with everything in me I wanted to. I genuinely gave it that old college try my entire sophomore year. It was impossible. You were everywhere I looked, starring on the football field, bumping into me at the Black Bear. I wanted to know you even then, but something in me put on the brakes, and I ran in the opposite direction.”

Rex pulls my hand to his lips and kisses it. “You just outlined the entire last year of my life perfectly.” He swallows hard. “And, while we’re swimming in the deep end, you’re a pretty brave, kick ass girl, and I’ve wondered if there’s a thing in this world that you’re afraid of.”

“Afraid of, huh? This really is the deep end.” I dig my fingers into his ribs, and he bucks with a laugh. “You first.”

“My biggest fear is being tickle tortured by you.” He lets out a heavy sigh. “That and having to come to terms with the fact my family will never return to normal.”

“All ye children of divorce abandon all hope.” I land a sloppy kiss to his cheek. “I couldn’t have said it better myself.”

“Okay, so we share the same big fear. Makes sense. We’re practically the same person in that sense. How about you give me one more? Something goofy. I told you about my tickle torture. And that’s a very real thing by the way. Now it’s your turn.” His fingers strum over my sides, and now it’s me bucking with a laugh. “And you can’t say tickle torture.”

“Okay. Actually, there is something equally as goofy.” I cover my eyes with my fingers before peering between them. “I’m terrified of driving on the highway.” I bury my face in the pillow a moment.

“What?” Rex tosses the pillow across the room and pulls me closer to him. “Is that what all those fractured foot, low tire, a bear might eat me excuses were about?”

“You figured me out. I’m just a big baby who’s terrified to pack eight thousand pounds of steel at sixty miles an hour.”

“Anytime you need a ride, you know where to find me. No excuses needed.” He tucks a kiss just under my ear.

My phone goes off in my pocket.

“And we owe this interruption to”—I pluck out my phone. “My father.” I shrink a little in his arms.

“Why don’t you take that, and I’ll haul Copyright 2016 - 2024