Summer Breeze Kisses - Addison Moore Page 0,147

But that was after their fall. Prior to that, there was no wrong, no fault, no error they could find in one another. I suppose that’s where the real heartache lies, in the abrupt betrayal of it all.

“You heard me right. How does he make you feel?” I glance over to Bradley. He’s tall and stately, dapper, too, all of which I suppose captured my mother’s eye. And as much as I don’t want to admit it, he seems like a pretty decent person.

“I don’t know—great, free, and easy. I feel lighter, younger, happier in general around him. I can’t stop thinking about him when we’re not together, and, when we are, it never feels like enough. Honestly, half of the time I can’t breathe when he’s not close by.”

My gaze drifts to Scarlett, and I meet up with her lighter than air spring-green eyes, that whiskey smile twisting on her lips that begs to tell of the secret the two of us hold. But something is shifting in me. I’m not playing games anymore. I’m done. I’m all in. Whatever this is between Scarlett and me has tilted on its axis, and all of the things we’re pretending to have, I want the chance to make them real. I excuse myself and drift from my mother, stepping over to Scarlett just as she lands in my arms.

“Did you mean what you said back there?” Her lips quiver as she asks the question. The lights from above enwreathe her, and Scarlett glows like an otherworldly being, far too beautiful to ever be human.

The words narrow in my throat, and I can’t seem to get out exactly how I feel, so I offer up a silent nod instead.

“I—” Words struggle to dislodge from her as well, and she shakes her head, unable to get a single one out.

My finger lands over her lips, our eyes never breaking our stare. A part of me is afraid I won’t want to hear what she’s about to say. I’ve never been big on rejection. Instead, I offer a peaceable smile as I bow down closer. My lids hood over as the room melts away in a blur.

Scarlett jumps up on her toes, her red lips part like candy, and I can’t hold back another damn minute. I do the only thing I can do—close my eyes and crash my mouth to hers.

A hard moan emits from her throat, and I swallow it down. Scarlett Kent’s lips adhere to mine. Her mouth opens just enough as she feeds me her tongue.

I pull her in with a marked aggression, and she hikes up, wrapping her legs around my waist. Scarlett and I go at it, kissing one another as if an all-out war broke out in our mouths—as if this were the very last kiss humankind would ever experience. I’ve never been so far gone, so pulled out of reality than I am now, and I’m not interested in going back. Her moans increase as she claws at my chest, at my arms in an effort to climb me. I press her body to mine as whatever this is between us blossoms into something animalistic in nature.

A strong tug pulls me back from behind, and I open my eyes to find Scarlett being pried away by her father. Someone spins me around, and I catch Lawson Kent’s fist in my jaw as the world around me begins to wobble in and out of existence. Lawson backs up and ramps up that baseball mitt of a fist once again, this time aiming for my eye.

Nope, reality isn’t at all where I want to be right now.

Mad About You


There are very few moments in life that have the power to capture and freeze time, to impress themselves as both the best experience and best memory at the very same time. For me, that kiss Rex and I shared was it. I will never forget how alive I felt when he touched me with his lips. And when his tongue mingled with mine, my entire body shook as if a nuclear explosion went off in every single cell in my body. Nope, I will never forget that blessed-by-God magic. I will also never forget the fact my father is currently holding me back as if breaking up a street fight.

“Lawson!” I scream at my brother as he throws his fist into Rex’s poor face, time and time again.

Knox jumps my brother from behind, and soon my father is caught Copyright 2016 - 2024