Summer Breeze Kisses - Addison Moore Page 0,138

literally two different animals—pun intended—and, on top of that, Daisy bops by and adds to the conversation telling everyone what a magnificent GPA I’ve managed to amass my first year at uni, and also regales our male guests with the fact I hardly snore at all.

The brides and grooms all file out toward the dance floor, and the room evacuates right along with our friends. Soon it’s just Rex and I staring one another down.

“So, what do you think of that hour long infomercial on all my best attributes?” The words drift out far angrier than I intended. Oh hell, I don’t know what I intended. Rex has my emotions hopelessly tangled like a necklace.

He pushes out a sleepy grin. “I think I’d much rather listen to you snore than meet up with you in a dark alley and risk an arrow to the heart.”

“Oh, come now”—I lean toward him as the heady scent of his cologne pulls me in—“I’d aim for far more creative places.”

We share a heartfelt laugh as the music switches rhythms, something hopelessly romantic that affords a lifetime’s worth of first dance memories.

Rex ticks his head toward the exit. “You want to hit the dance floor?”

“Sure thing. You’d better get out there before that Savannah cat drags you off to her twisted den. I’m pretty sure cheerleaders aren’t allowed to snore, but, then again, I’m sure the things you two do in private involve very little sleep.” That lemon chicken I just inhaled does a clucking revolution in my stomach at the thought of what Rex and his sex kitten might be doing behind closed doors.

“I meant dance with me.” He helps me up and lands his warm arm over my back as he leads us out to the bar proper.

“You mean I get to dance with the boy who scored the winning touchdown for every single winning game WB has ever had going back from the dawn of time?” I bat my lashes up at him as we make our way through the tangle of bodies.

Rex laughs as he lands his arms around my waist, and we begin to sway to the music. “They did lay it on a little thick, didn’t they?”

I bite down on a smile as I lock eyes with this tall, handsome boy that my father is determined to add to my sibling roster, and, for the first time, it doesn’t seem fair. But what doesn’t seem fair? I’m baffled by my own defenses. I don’t want Rex in my life as my brother or my anything, do I?

“I guess they like the idea of us getting along.” I swallow audibly, but thanks to the volume of the music, Rex isn’t privy to my “embarrassment.”

He shakes his head. His face inches closer to mine, and my entire body freezes solid as an iceberg. “You and I both know they’re gunning for a little more than that.”

My heart races as his lips hover inches from mine. Everything in me demands to lunge in and land my mouth over his for a moment, just to see how it feels in an effort to quell this dull ache in the pit of my stomach. That sweet spot between my thighs goes off as I indulge in the feeling.

God, this is going to be one for the family album—the day I climaxed sixteen times in my new stepbrother’s arms. Our family Christmas cards are going to be rife with alarming secrets. My present orgasmic state of existence is a prime example of why my parents should never have divorced to begin with. Everyone knows that stepbrothers are off limits, and whatever could have been between Rex and me is forever forbidden no thanks to yet another unwanted benefit of my father’s new familial arrangement.

A hard tap falls over my shoulder, and I turn to find Savannah and her frosted powdered donut lascivious smile just waiting to devour Rex in three easy bites.

“Hey, Starla, can I have this dance with your big brother?” She bats her lashes at him, but Rex’s hands only secure themselves tighter over my waist. It feels amazing with him holding me, with his strong protective body wrapped around mine, but this feeling was never really meant for me. I may as well relinquish him right here and now to the vapid skank by my side. They’ll probably end up together one day, and I’ll have an entire lifetime of watching Savannah enjoy Rex Toberman’s perfect body. The urge to weep comes Copyright 2016 - 2024