A Sudden Fearful Death Page 0,60

if she would assure herself he shared her feeling. "I shall write to her family and convey my sympathies."

Monk tried to imagine Prudence in the flare of an oil lamp, kneeling over the desperately bleeding man, her strong steady fingers holding the saw, her face set in concentration as she used the skill she had so often watched and had thus learned. He wished he had known her. It was painful that where there had been this brave and willful woman now there was a void, a darkness. A passionate voice was silenced and the loss was raw and unexplained.

It would not remain so. He would find out who had killed her, and why. He would have a kind of revenge.

"Thank you very much for sparing me your time, Miss Nightingale," he said a little more stiffly than he had meant. "You have told me something of her which no one else could."

"It is a very small thing," she said, dismissing its inadequacy. "I wish I had the remotest idea who could have wished her dead, but I have not. When there is so much tragedy and pain in the world that we cannot help, it seems incomprehensible that we should bring even more upon ourselves. Sometimes I despair of mankind. Does that sound blasphemous, Mr. Monk?"

"No ma'am, it sounds honest."

She smiled bleakly. "Shall you see Hester Latterly again?"

"Yes." hi spite of himself his interest was so sharp he spoke before he thought. "Did you know her well?"

"Indeed." The smile returned to her mouth. "We spent many hours working together. It is strange how much one knows of a person laboring in a common cause, even if one said nothing of one's own life before coming to the Crimea, nothing of one's family or youth, nothing of one's loves or dreams, still one learns of another's nature. And perhaps that is the real core of passion, don't you think?"

He nodded, not wishing to intrude with words.

"I agree," she went on thoughtfully. "I know nothing of her past, but I learned to trust her integrity as we worked night after night to help the soldiers and their women, to get food for them, blankets, and to make the authorities allow us space so the beds were not crammed side by side." She gave an odd, choked little laugh. "She used to get so angry. I always knew if I had a battle to fight that Hester would be by my side. She never retreated, never pretended or flattered. And I knew her courage." She hunched her shoulders in a gesture of distaste. "She loathed the rats, and they were all over the place. They climbed the walls and fell off like rotten plums dropping off a tree. I shall never forget the sound of their bodies hitting the floor. And I watched her pity, not useless, not maudlin, just a long slow ache inside as she knew the pain of others and did everything within her human power to ease it. One has a special feeling for someone with whom one has shared such times, Mr. Monk. Yes, please remember me to her."

"I will," he promised.

He rose to his feet again, suddenly acutely conscious of the passage of time. He knew she was fitting him in between one meeting and another of hospital governors, architects, medical schools, or organizations of similar nature. Since her return from the Crimea she had never ceased to work for the reforms in design and administration in which she believed so fervently.

"Whom will you seek next?" She preempted his farewell. She had no need to explain to what matter she was referring and she was not a woman for unnecessary words.

"The police," he answered. "I still have friends there who may tell me what the medical examiner says, and perhaps what the official testimony is of other witnesses. Then I shall appeal to her colleagues at the hospital. If I can persuade them to speak honestly of her and of one another, I may learn a great deal."

"I see. May God be with you, Mr. Monk. It is more than justice you must seek. If women like Prudence Barrymore can be murdered when they are about their work, then we are all a great deal the poorer, not only now, but in the future as well."

"I do not give up, ma'am," he said grimly, and he meant it, not only to match his determination with hers, but because he had a consuming personal desire to find

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