Sucker Punch (First Fangs Club #3) - Kristen Painter Page 0,76

they seen her yet? Did they know they weren’t the only vampires here?

She didn’t think so, because they weren’t looking at her, and they weren’t actively not looking either. They were far too relaxed.

The funeral ended, and the crowd milled about, talking to the family and gathering in small groups. Some went straight to their cars, presumably to head to the reception. Donna wasn’t going to that. The last thing this man’s family needed was more strangers in their house.

Temo looked over. “Ready to go, boss?”

“Not just yet.” There was one more thing she wanted to do. Needed to do. “Don’t worry about visiting Ishalan. According to Toni, he disappeared on them last night.”

“Sounds like something he’d do. Thanks for letting me know.”

“Sure.” She looked at Pierce. “Keep the umbrella closed and stay near me. Everyone.”

She started walking, Pierce at her side, Charlie and Temo behind her. She wound her way through the people, the not-unpleasant earthy scent of wolf wafting by every so often.

Her target was easy to spot. About a foot away, she stopped. Pierce stayed at her side. Charlie and Temo came around to flank them. She stood there, waiting.

Then Claudette turned around and gasped, causing her umbrella to jump.

Fitzhugh glanced back and grimaced, his lip curling before he could stop it. “What are you doing here?”

“Funny question, seeing as how I govern this state and you do not.”

He pushed his sunglasses onto his head. Donna left hers in place. “I am paying my respects.”

She looked past him. The woman behind him, the fallen wolf’s widow, was already walking away with an older woman at her side. Good. She didn’t want to interrupt their day with the business she needed to handle.

She stared at Fitzhugh again. “Did you lodge a complaint against me with the council in the hopes of making yourself a better candidate for king?”

He jerked back slightly as if her bold question had caught him off guard. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“So you have no desire to be king, then?” She posed it as a question, hoping to force him to answer.

“Whoever the council nominates is up to them.”

She took her sunglasses off to glare at him. “Then why make that claim against me? Why?”

“Because you’re responsible for Artemis’s death, and you should be held accountable.”

She nodded like she was pondering that with all seriousness. When she spoke, she kept her voice calm and level. “You’ve made a grave error, Hawke. Coming against me like you have. But your real failure is your own arrogance. Pride cometh before the fall.”

She shifted to Claudette. “I hope the sex is worth it, because when he falls—and he will—there’s no way you’re going to escape that disaster.”

Claudette’s mouth hung open.

Donna wiggled her finger at Fitzhugh’s face. “Your sunscreen looks like it’s melting a bit. Better get home before you burst into flames, Fitzy.”

He slapped a gloved hand to his cheek.

Donna put her sunglasses back on and smiled at him, the white-hot desire to crush him into the ground mixing with her need to show everyone what a jerk he was. Patience, she told herself. His time was coming.

Still calm, she lifted one hand and flicked the edge of his umbrella with her fingers, making the silk quiver. “You take care now.”

Chapter Twenty-six

The minute the car was moving, Donna spoke. “I want to file a counterclaim with the council. Against Fitzhugh.”

Charlie nodded. “Absolutely. What do you want to lead with?”

“His drunken behavior at Francine’s party. His disparaging remarks against me. But mostly his false claims that I caused Artemis’s death. Pierce, what do you think?”

His eyes narrowed as he metaphorically put on his lawyer hat. “I’d start with defamation of character, but we could also add slander and libel.” He paused. “It would be worth mentioning malicious prosecution as well.”

Donna took her sunglasses off. “Can you work with Charlie to write all that up?”

“I’d be happy to.” He winked at her. “We’ll give Fitzhugh a lot to think about.”

Charlie was smiling. “We’ll do it this afternoon.”

“Perfect.” A phone chimed. It wasn’t Donna’s.

Temo pulled his phone from his jacket pocket and checked the screen. “Hey, it’s Ishalan. He wants to meet with us. Says he needs to talk to you.”

Donna leaned in. “Seems to be a lot of that going around. When?”

“Tonight.” Temo grimaced. “At the stronghold.”

“Yeah, that doesn’t sound like a trap at all,” Pierce said.

“I’ll meet him on the mortal side of the gate, but I’m not going through. You can tell him that.”

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