Sucker Punch (First Fangs Club #3) - Kristen Painter Page 0,74

He glanced at Pierce, Temo, and Charlie, still under the tree. He gave them a wave. “It was nice of all of you.”

Pierce waved back.

“Of course.” Donna smiled. “It was the least we could do.”

Rico stared at her like he was searching for words. “Thank you for…everything.”

She wondered if that’s really what he’d wanted to say. Or if he wasn’t willing to speak plainly in front of all these people. “You would have done the same for me.”

He nodded. “I would have.” He dug into the pocket of his suit. “This belongs to you.” He laid the other iron bracelet on her palm. “Can we talk soon?”

“Sure. You know how to find me.” She slipped the bracelet onto her bare wrist.

“I do.” He hesitated, just looking at her. “I need to go speak to the family.”

“And I need to speak to your mother and grandmother.”

“I’ll see you soon, then. I’m very sorry about Artemis.”

She gazed up at him, wondering what was going on that he wanted to talk to her. “Thank you.”

He left, and she continued on to Toni and LV, waiting her turn to speak to them.

Toni smiled at her when the crowd broke. “Governor. Thank you for coming.”

“I’m so sorry for the loss of your pack member.”

“Thank you.”

LV joined them. “Good to see you, Governor.”

“You, too, Alpha Medina.”

“The fae we were caring for disappeared last night. Left a note of thanks, but that was it. He’s gone.”

Donna glanced back at Temo. He was talking to some pack members. “I’ll let Temo know. He was hoping to visit Ishalan after the ceremony, to keep things strong between us.”

LV nodded. “Wise. But no longer possible.”

“He must have been feeling better.”

Toni shrugged. “I don’t know much about fae, but they must heal fast. We had a doctor taking care of him, and according to Dr. Ritter, Ishalan had several broken bones, badly torn wings, multiple contusions, and a deep cut across his cheek. I don’t know what he looked like before he left, but I can’t imagine all of that had healed.”

“Wow. He was in worse shape than I was. But then, I didn’t get thrown into the side of the stronghold and fall thirty feet to the ground.”

LV’s eyes were hidden behind sunglasses, but she looked unmoved. “It’s my understanding he wasn’t the easiest of patients.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.” Donna frowned. “He wasn’t exactly fun to deal with when I was negotiating with him before the raid.”

“I’m grateful you managed that, however you got it done.” LV smiled. “I am very glad to have my grandson home.”

“Yes,” Toni said. “We are all very happy about that. You have nothing to worry about when it comes to us being allies.”

“I’m glad.” Maybe they hadn’t heard about the recent news then. Donna was happy to keep it that way.

“So am I. Fitzhugh may not like it, but then he already doesn’t like you from what I hear,” LV said.

“I guess that means you heard about his complaint against me.” Donna sighed.

Toni looked at her mother, then back at Donna. “What complaint?”

“Governor Fitzhugh has filed a complaint against me with the Immortus Concilio claiming that I’m responsible for Queen Artemis’s death.”

Toni gasped. “That lying son of a mongrel. He wants the kingship. He’d do anything to get more power. Everyone knows that.”

LV looked disgusted. “If you need us to testify on your behalf, just say the word. We aren’t fans of his, as you know. And unlike him, we were actually at the raid.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that.” The offer lifted her spirits considerably. “I don’t want to keep you any longer. Your pack needs you.”

Toni put her hand on Donna’s arm. “Please, keep us informed on how things are going.”

“I will.” With a smile and a nod, Donna walked back to her crew. They were all looking at something behind her. Maybe the ceremony was about to begin.

She joined them and turned.

On the other side of the large crowd, Fitzhugh and Claudette were walking through the tombstones.

She stared at them for so long she forgot to blink. They were both under large umbrellas, their bodies completely covered and their faces an odd, pasty white. “How are they out in the sun? Does an umbrella and gloves really keep the sun off that well?

Pierce came closer. “They can if they’re very thick fabric. But they appear to be using some kind of thick sunscreen too.” He squinted. “They could have gotten a spell or potion that made this possible. If not, they won’t Copyright 2016 - 2024