Sucker Punch (First Fangs Club #3) - Kristen Painter Page 0,61

“What now?”

“Fitzhugh has filed a formal complaint against Pierce for punching him at Francine’s party and against you for allowing it.”

Donna just stared at her for a moment. “That was almost a week ago. You have got to be kidding me.”

“I wish I was.”

She did her best to stay calm. Even took a deep, cleansing breath. But her leg was throbbing, and the queen’s death continued to weigh on her, and she was just about done. “Does he know about Artemis?”

Charlie nodded. “That’s pretty common knowledge now.”

“I see. Why do I think these two things are somehow connected?”

Charlie’s mouth thinned to a hard line. “Because you’re a smart woman, and you know what an opportunist Fitzhugh is. I believe they’re connected as well. The queen’s death has left a powerful vacancy. One that Fitzhugh would very much like to cram himself into as quickly as possible.”

Donna rolled her eyes. “Can you imagine him as the vampire king? That wouldn’t be good for anyone. Except him.” She sighed. “But why come after us?”

“All I can guess is that he wants to discredit you while trying to make himself look like the victim. Earn some sympathy votes. All while causing you trouble.”

Donna snorted. “I can barely handle being governor. If he thinks I have any desire to be queen, he’s a dumbass. Well, a bigger one than he is currently.”

Charlie laughed. “No argument from me on that assessment. But I have to say you’re doing an exceptional job as governor. But the truth is, it’s unlikely you’d be offered Artemis’s position anyway.”

Donna exhaled, not realizing she’d been holding her breath. “Good. You know what? Get Fitzy on the phone. It’s time for us to have a come-to-Jesus meeting.”

Charlie’s brows lifted as amusement bent her mouth. “Right away, Governor.” She turned and went back to the office.

Donna followed and got punched in the gut by an unexpected sight as she walked in. The armory doors were open, and Artemis’s gold sword had been hung on the back wall. It gleamed softly in the light. Almost like a memorial.

A soft half sob left Donna’s throat before she could stop herself.

Charlie looked over. “I’m so sorry. I meant to close those.”

Donna swallowed. “It’s okay.” She walked closer. “I didn’t know that her sword had come back with me.”

“It took Temo and Pierce both to pry your hand open to take the sword from you. I cleaned it and thought it should go somewhere safe.”

Donna stared at the gorgeous, deadly weapon. The blade was worked with a faintly Egyptian pattern. Or maybe it was something older. She nodded. “It should. Until it can be returned. To wherever it belongs.”

“It’s the royal sword, so it’ll go to whoever takes over.”

Donna frowned. “I really don’t want to see that in Fitzhugh’s hands.”

“I don’t think there’s a chance that could happen. Although…who knows?”

“How do they pick the new king or queen?”

“The Immortus Concilio will nominate a panel of possible successors. Then the Prime makes the final decision. I’m sure they’re already squirreled away somewhere, coming up with a list.”

Donna arched her brows. “The Prime?”

“He’s the oldest known vampire in existence. Some claim he’s the grandsire of almost every vampire. And he’s the final word when it comes to big decisions like this. Any major vampire decision, really. He’s essentially the leader of the entire vampire nation. Legend says if he was ever to be killed, vampires would cease to exist. But legend also says his age has made him truly immortal.”

“What’s his name?”

“He just goes by Prime.”

“Why am I just hearing about him?”

“For one thing, he keeps a very low profile. I don’t think more than a handful of people outside of the council have ever seen him or even know where he lives. Although I would have thought Claudette or Artemis would have mentioned him to you. Okay, maybe not Claudette, but someone. Pierce, maybe? But then, we have been a little preoccupied.”

“True statement. So who do you think the council will nominate? And who do you think the Prime will pick?”

“There are a few likely candidates, but typically, he chooses the oldest vampire. Not always, but most of the time. Makes sense. The older the vampire is, the more powerful and skilled they are.”

“I can see that. I haven’t even learned how to glamour people yet.” Donna took a seat at her desk. “Who are the oldest governors?”

Charlie tapped a finger against her lip. “Governor Joseph of Idaho has been ruling for a little over three hundred Copyright 2016 - 2024