Sucker Punch (First Fangs Club #3) - Kristen Painter Page 0,44

leather jacket. “No need. I know how to make it. I’ve done it before.” She grimaced. “I was just too late.”

“Come on,” Jerabeth said.

“Jerabeth, will you let Dr. Fox know too?”

She nodded, and the two women disappeared.

Donna glanced at Will Ferris. “Now I’m doubly glad you came. I may owe you my life.”

“We’re happy to help.”

Charlie stepped forward. “Can I get you folks something to drink or eat while you wait?”

“Please,” Donna said. “Anything you want. We’re well stocked.”

Will took off his jacket, revealing a barrel chest and biceps like cannon balls. His build reminded her of Kace, although Will wasn’t quite as tall or broad. “Just black coffee, if you’ve got it.”

“Of course. And for you ladies?”

The women looked at each other like they weren’t sure how to answer.

Will snorted. “Do you have any sweets? They love sweets.”

Charlie grinned. “Why don’t you come into the kitchen with me, and I’ll show you the sweets we have. This way.”

Harper and Daisy followed after her.

Donna sat in the club chair adjacent to the big wraparound sofa. Finding out what was in her system was a relief, but knowing the same poison had played a part in the death of Reggie’s fiancé cut deep.

Will took a seat on the far side of the sofa, putting the coffee table between them. “You all right, Governor? You look a little pale. Paler than usual for a vampire.”

She shook her head. “Hearing about Reggie’s fiancé is so upsetting. The drug makes it impossible for me to hide what I’m feeling.”

He nodded. “Ah. I understand. Reggie’s still not over it. Poor kid.”

Hearing him call his grown daughter a kid made Donna want to smile. “I can’t imagine the pain of losing the person you planned to spend the rest of your life with.”

Will narrowed his eyes. “Your friend that was kidnapped… Is he someone special to you?”

“Rico Medina. He’s a good friend. We’re not romantically involved, if that’s what you were asking. But he’s been a great help in my life. I owe him.”

“We’re going to get him back, I promise.”

“Thank you. And thank you again for your help. I know you don’t really have an iron in this fire.”

“Ma’am, when the fae killed Abraham, they took the light out of my little girl’s eyes. I have all kinds of irons in this fire.”

“That, I can understand. I have a daughter and a son. I believe I’d feel the very same way if something like that happened to them.”

He smiled. “I didn’t peg you for a mother.”

“I’ve only been a vampire for a few short weeks.”

His mouth parted slightly. “I just realized who you are. Were.”


“You were married to Joseph Barrone. The mobster. Or am I wrong?”

“No, you’re right. I still am married to him, technically.” She waved her hand like she could brush all that aside. “Long story short. He faked his death, so now I have to actually divorce him, but the paperwork’s done. Just waiting on it to be official. And thankfully, he’s in prison, where he belongs.”

“That’s good.”

“It is.” She exhaled. “With my help, Rico built the case that was instrumental in putting him there. Rico is the FBI agent who was going to help me get away from Joe when we were married. He pretty much kept me from losing my mind during the process.”

“That’s why the fae took him. To hurt you.”

“Yes. I’m sure they figured he was the best, most available leverage they could get their hands on.”

“Because of a dhamfir?”

“Also correct. The fae want her in exchange for Rico, but I can’t do that. She’s little more than a child, and they want to exploit her talents to hunt down my kind.”

His expression grew steely. “If Fitzhugh was any kind of governor, he’d have rooted the fae out of his city long ago.”

“You know the fae headquarters is in Manhattan?”

“Since Abraham, we know a lot about the fae. Reggie’s built a dossier on them that you wouldn’t believe. Being part of this raid is the first thing that’s got her truly excited in the two years since Abraham’s passing. My girl wants blood. As I’m sure you can understand.”

“I do. Anything she can do to help us will be greatly appreciated. And rewarded.”

“Your business is all the reward we need.”

“Let’s agree to disagree on that, Mr. Ferris.”

“Call me Will, ma’am.”

“Only if you call me Donna and lose the ma’am.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He laughed. “Starting now.”

“When we’re done here, I’ll introduce you to the head of my security, Temo Danielson. Copyright 2016 - 2024